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Ensuring Compliance with Immigration Law – Associated Industries of Massachusetts

With the recent increase in immigration enforcement by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), it is essential for employers to be informed, prepared, and proactive in protecting their workers while complying with legal requirements.

Here are some key steps and resources to help you navigate potential ICE visits, including best practices for handling enforcement actions, employee- rights education, and workplace policies that support compliance and preparedness.


Communicate with your employees.


Review workplace policies and practices.

  • Ensure company compliance with the Form I-9, which verifies the identity and employment authorization of new hires in the United States.
  • Join AIM HR Solutions Form I-9 training on February 11 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
  • Reaffirm your company’s anti-discrimination policies prohibiting discrimination based on immigration status or national origin.


Establish a response plan.

  • Designate a company representative (HR or legal counsel) to interact with ICE or other officials.
  • Educate your supervisors and managers so they understand how best to handle employee interactions.
  • AIM member Fisher Phillips has put together guidance to answer employer questions in the wake of threatened ICE raids.


Support your employees.

  • Provide available Employee Assistance Program (EAP) contact information to your employees who may need financial, legal or personal counseling.
  • Review and update employee contact information and emergency contact information.


Additional Resources

Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition Helpline: 508-293-1871

The helpline cannot give you individual legal advice or representation, but can share important information and resources including:

  • Guidance on how to find information about your immigration court case or a pending immigration application
  • General information about immigration pathways and processes
  • Information about resources for immigrants
  • Know Your Rights information
  • Information on what to do after someone has been detained by immigration


AIM HR Solutions Helpline: 800-470-6277

  • AIM members may contact the HR Helpline for best practices, compliance support, and referrals to third-party resources.
  • Join our Form I-9 training on February 11 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Participants will receive a sample I-9 audit checklist to help maintain compliance. Need a deeper review? Schedule an I-9 audit with our HR experts to ensure your records are accurate and up to date. Resources for immigrants in Massachusetts

Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (“EOHLC”)

  • If you are a shelter provider, contact the Housing and Livable Communities intake line or report judicial warrants to 617-988-3450.
  • Request training on identifying judicial warrants by contacting [email protected].
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