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MassMEP Employee Highlights – Kristy Grignon

Kristy Grignon – MassMEP Employee Highlights

Over the 6 years that Kristy Grignon has been with MassMEP, she has been on an upward trajectory. She has just recently become the Sales and Marketing Director, having started as Marketing Coordinator about 6 years ago. Kristy laughs as she says, “I was just thinking back and was realizing I was in my 30’s when I started here! After starting as Marketing Coordinator, I then became Marketing Manager, and then Marketing Director for the last 2 years. Now I’m moving into Sales and the revenue side of things here at MEP.”

“Before MassMEP, I worked for Jenny Craig. I was center director for a couple of different centers, in Shrewsbury and Natick. With that role came a lot of marketing opportunities. When they were bought out by a private investment firm, I realized that I really liked marketing. I didn’t know what I was going to be when I grew up but marketing was something that I really liked and was good at. So as I was considering what might come next, I saw this opportunity at MassMEP and I decided I was going to go for it! I haven’t looked back once. This has been the most amazing organization I have ever worked with. The people are so kind, and so patient, and patient with me as I’ve learned what we do here at MEP. I hope to be here for a really long time.”

With her upbeat nature, Kristy shares what she enjoys about her job. “There are so many parts of my job that I really like. I love being able to work throughout the entire organization. In marketing, you get to work with everybody. We work with leadership, grants, and doing consortiums, and with the field doing events for their clients. We’re working with sales and with innovative growth services. We also work with MACWIC credentialing, what we do with the schools and those celebrations. Being a part of every part of the organization is really exciting. Honestly, it’s the people, and MassMEP is a family. The people that I’ve met are incredible. Our clients are amazing. I did real estate for a little while, and my apologies to the real estate people out there, but it’s cutthroat. Manufacturers are the nicest people you’re going to meet. I have not met a manufacturing president, shop floor worker and everyone in between that aren’t proud of what they do and enjoys their jobs. I don’t know – I love everything!”

What about outside of the office? Well, Kristy has a 16-year-old daughter. “She’s my hobby. I know that sounds terrible but she’s my full-time hobby right now. She’s working on getting her license, and she plays her sports and has high school and friends, all the regular things. My family loves to snowboard, though my friends in the office don’t love that we love snow.  I’m kind of looking forward to a snowstorm that’s predicted in a couple of days. We really enjoy snowboarding, hiking, going to the Cape. I’m about as average as average could be.”

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