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MassMEP Employee Highlights – Sean Killam

Sean Killam – MassMEP Employee Highlights

Sean Killam is MassMEP’s Public Affairs Director. In his role he works with the general public and with everyone involved in the greater manufacturing ecosystem. He provides information and knowledge about manufacturing, the NIST MEP national network system, and the work that MassMEP does to support manufacturing.

“I’ve been with MassMEP for 2 years. I started out by working with the All Made Possible program. This program provided education resources that MassMEP has to the middle schools in Massachusetts. That’s where I began to work with the amazing partners across Massachusetts that support manufacturing education, all the way from the middle school level up through higher education and beyond into industry. I quickly navigated that space and got to know a lot of the amazing leaders and the folks that make things happen in Massachusetts. That then expanded across the US, and I also got to know a lot of the federal players that know what manufacturing is, and how it makes our economy so strong in the US. So, in the first 2 years I got to know how we play a part in that bigger picture, and its exactly what I hoped for when I joined MassMEP 2 years ago,” Sean says.

Sean continues, “I came into this job from a legal position. My prior employer was my wife, Christina, as we have a law firm together as partners in Killam & Killam, LLC. Today most of our work is philanthropic, along with a bit of litigation. Prior to that I was a criminal defense attorney and practitioner of all things law. Prior to that I was assistant district attorney for the Commonwealth of MA. In 2016 I wrapped up my appointment with Timothy Cruz as Plymouth County’s district attorney and was spotlighted as prosecutor of the year. I’ve been working since I was the legal age to work and could continue to trace back beyond the history I’ve shared. I am happy that I have a very interesting career path to date, and quite happy to have landed at MassMEP.”

What is Sean’s favorite part of his work? “Being part of a team, especially one that is strong and continually growing. Overall, my family is the most important driver for me. The work we all do at MEP provides for more than my family – it provides for families throughout US and gives families a better way of life. So, I don’t do it for my family alone, but for all families too.”

When he’s not on the job, Sean says he can be somewhat competitive. “But that’s not my focus as I have two little kids, 5 years old and 2 years old. I have a big family and beyond just my immediate household I have a lot to keep me busy.”

How well do you know Sean? Two of these statements are true and one is not. Can you guess which one?
1) I’m a state champion baseball player.
2) I’m better at fishing than my father.
3) To this day I can still kick flip on a skateboard.

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