• 27A Midstate Drive, Suite 200 Auburn, MA 01501

Ep. 88 Manufacturing Uncut – The Full Recap Episode, January

  • On January 31, 2024

January was a full month for MassMEP in events, social media and the manufacturing network. For our audience that would like more information about our events, click here.If you weren’t able to watch and want to catch up on our Unleash Potential Your Next Hire is Uniquely Abled, visit our YouTube Channel here. Don’t forget if you have any input for good Dad jokes, want more information about an event, or a program we have available, visit us here as we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Ep. 88 Manufacturing Uncut - The Full Recap Episode, January
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Ep. 87 Time Machine…Past or Future?

  • On January 17, 2024

We sit down with semi-retired supply chain professional and manufacturing legend, John Kovach and our very own Supply Chain Program Specialist, Olivia Antonelli to talk about Supply Chain. The overarching umbrella of supply chain, what supply chain looks like today in Massachusetts and where it is headed. We start the new year in a time machine deciding on which we would choose, the past or the future. Tune in to find out who is heading where!

Ep. 87 Time Machine...Past or Future?
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Ep. 86 End of Year Party with Kristy, Matt, Olivia & Nonie

  • On December 31, 2023

The annual infamous New Year’s Eve podcast is back. Enlightening manufacturing conversation brought to you in style. We get into what to expect from MassMEP and what we are hearing you can expect for Manufacturing in Massachusetts and beyond for 2024.

Ep. 86 End of Year Party with Kristy, Matt, Olivia & Nonie
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Ep. 85 “Granta Clard Express” AKA: Happy Holidays

  • On December 20, 2023

Our annual Holiday podcast is always filled with fun and educational components, like “Granta Clard Express”. Joining us is Senior Director of Business Development, Kristy Grignon. She always does a great job bringing in the holiday cheer! So listen now to get to know more about us and why we are so thankful this year for the Holiday Season in Manufacturing.

Ep. 85 "Granta Clard Express" AKA: Happy Holidays
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Ep. 84 2024 Manufacturing Trends

  • On December 7, 2023

Join us as we talk with this “trendy” group of women from MassMEP to highlight our top three 2024 Manufacturing trends. We will break down Supply Chain with MassMEP President, Kathie Mahoney; Deep dive into the Workforce Trend with MassMEP Director of Workforce Development, Wendy Mackie; and get a better visual on Digital Twins with MassMEP Director of Innovative Growth Services, Ellen Ellsworth.

Senior Director of Business Development, Kristy Grignon is also joining us to wrap this all up in a pretty bow for our Manufacturers to understand HOW this is going to work for them!

Ep. 84 2024 Manufacturing Trends
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Ep. 83 “Our ‘IKEA’ Instruction Manual” – DIA Funding

  • On September 27, 2023

We sat down with Kristy Grignon, MassMEP and Darcy Cook, Safety Trainers to provide information to the funding that will be opening from the DIA, Department of Industrial Accidents. Safety Trainers is looking to help manufacturers start the application process for the Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) Workplace Safety Grant that helps employers reduce the risk of injury and illness to workers and promote safe and healthy conditions in the workplace through training, education, and other preventative measures.

Massachusetts-based and operating employers may request up to $25,000 to administer workplace safety training. Please note the Workplace Safety Grant is a reimbursement program, and grant recipients will be reimbursed as agreed upon in approved contract documents.  Applications will be accepted starting Monday, October 2, 2023 through Monday, October 23, 2023. Learn more here about the application process.

Questions or wanting to get connected to Safety Trainers to get started, email us here!

Ep. 83 "Our 'IKEA' Instruction Manual" - DIA Funding
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Ep. 82 The Recap

  • On September 22, 2023

Join us with Ellen Ellsworth, MassMEP Director of Innovative Growth Services, as we recap the who, what, and why from our Manufacturing Your Future Podcast series, Ep. 78, 79, & 80. We tie all three of the episodes together as we begin this journey with our Massachusetts Manufacturers in Smart Manufacturing. We also speak to some new opportunities that are coming from MassMEP for Additive Manufacturing.

Ep. 82 The Recap
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Ep. 81 Toasters & Babies, Oh My!

  • On August 24, 2023

For this fall episode we will run you through some important upcoming events for Massachusetts Manufacturers. Sit back with your PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) and enjoy the ride through the fall events with MassMEP and partners alike! Wait for it to hear how and why toasters and babies are spoken in the same sentence…makes as much sense as pumpkin spice lattes in August!

Ep. 81 Toasters & Babies, Oh My!
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Ep. 80 – Threat Actor

  • On July 18, 2023

The third episode of the Manufacturing Your Future Smart Manufacturing breakout room series with Synagex. We sit down and go through what they discussed in their breakout session at the event and the importance of cybersecurity in every process we all implement each day in life and business. Threat Actors are not actors, but real people looking to access your private information through technology.

Ep. 80 - Threat Actor
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Ep. 79 Not all superheros wear capes!

  • On July 5, 2023

The episode is the second in the series as we recap from our Manufacturing Your Future Smart Manufacturing event in May. This time we sit down with Tom and Bonnie from FLEXcon reflecting on their breakout session. We hit the nail right on the head discussing the importance of building a foundation in continuous improvement to be successful with implementing Smart Manufacturing.

Ep. 79 Not all superheros wear capes!
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