• 27A Midstate Drive, Suite 200 Auburn, MA 01501

Mercury Wire Products Inc

'Saving Humanity from Business as Usual’ - Company Mission Sets Stage for Success

Growth Manufacturers Case Study

The Challenge

Mercury Wire puts a strong focus on curiosity, learning, challenging what they know, and not getting too comfortable in thinking that they know what they need to. When Mercury Wire was looking for training that would provide the next step in their lean journey, further improve their efficiencies and provide exposure to team members about where advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0 were headed, they contacted MassMEP, part of the MEP National Network™.

Mercury Wire participated in a consortium training grant as well as attended an Industry 4.0 event. Consortium training grants encompass several companies collaborating in training. Mercury Wire found that the consortium training programs are a very effective and powerful method to get more team members exposed to new ideas in a structured learning environment.

Mercury Wire focused on process improvement within their value streams. With MassMEP they were able to tailor the training to their needs and ran specific projects where they were experiencing a significant increase in customer demand. They targeted throughput benefits and gains for those teams/customers. With these improvements they were able to increase sales and create new positions for the company.

The Industry 4.0 Conference provided exposure and the ability for the company’s value stream leaders to listen and learn about the next stages and direction of industry and technology. Utilizing autonomation, Mercury Wire team members are able to do more of what engages them and what is truly value added for their customers. Mercury Wire also attended seminars regarding Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) compliance for the security of classified information in the defense supply chain. As a result of the conference were able to accelerate their compliance, allowing them to capture new business.


In Increased Sales


In Retained Sales


In Cost Savings


About Mercury Wire

Mercury Wire exclusively develops custom cable and electronic assembly solutions for customers across a variety of industries and markets worldwide. As a family-owned and operated company, Mercury Wire’s evolution from a traditional manufacturing company to a learning organization is built on innovation, lean business strategies, and empowerment. The company’s long-term, holistic view in building mutually beneficial relationships starts with the company’s customers. Together, the two companies create a vision for a comprehensive solution that suits the customer’s needs and moves their business forward.

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With MassMEP

MassMEP along with Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) provided training resulting in a transformational, company-wide training program that went way beyond just the shop floor. The customized training program changed the mindset within the company from reactionary to one with a clear business model and strategic goals. The training provided the company with clear training goals and objectives. Now, all new hires go through a whole week of training. New employees spend at least 30 minutes with each department, plus lunch with the owners. They also conduct a 30-60-90 day check in periods with new employees.