During late 2013 and into 2014, Golden Cannoli began to look at its business from a different perspective and challenged itself to find a way to contribute more to the profitability of the enterprise and develop a strategy to sustain the business for subsequent generations.
The Challenge
The Solution
The MassMEP worked with Golden Cannoli in the areas of… Business Growth, Culture, Improved food safety systems, Supply Chain relationships, and Lean Manufacturing.
Golden Cannoli recognized they would need manufacturing and business consulting expertise to help define their objectives and to create the strategy with the tactics to achieve these objectives.
Working with MassMEP, they applied for and received a Workforce Training Fund Grant. Funds from this grant were utilized to implement a number of changes at multiple levels within the company.
New Jobs
$3.9 Million
In Increased Sales
"In order to allow for expansion of their market reach, Golden Cannoli achieved certification in the Safe Quality Food (SQF) Program. SQF is required by retailers and food service providers around the world that need a rigorous, credible food safety management system."
About Golden Cannoli
In 1970, Francesco Bono and Angelo Bresciani were running two Italian bakeries and selling their cannoli to other local bakeries and restaurants. The demand for their cannoli shells was so great that they started Golden Cannoli shells company. Since then they have strived to provide the highest quality cannoli shells at a very reasonable price. Today, 40 years later, every cannoli is still hand-rolled and nationwide food service providers have come to know golden cannoli as the premium cannoli shell. Having owned two bakeries themselves, Francesco and Angelo understand one thing, “in the food industry, there can be no substitute for quality in the presentation or taste.”
With MassMEP
Working with MassMEP and their partner, Corporate Value Metrics, Golden Cannoli developed a business through market and product offering expansion while simultaneously building an organizational infrastructure, manufacturing process, and management structure. The critical objectives of this strategy are to maintain the product integrity developed over the years and provide Golden Cannoli customers with an authentic, handmade Italian pastry that generates repeated sales.
Organizational infrastructure, manufacturing process, and product integrity
- 21 New Jobs
- $3.9M Increased Sales
These steps increased capacity but equally significant was their innovative use of supply chains they served. Golden Cannoli realized their customers had sufficient warehouse capacity to allow Golden Cannoli to smooth their production rate.