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Augmented reality

Boston Centerless: MFG Day at Boston Centerless

Interested in the manufacturing industry? Explore Boston Centerless as we invite you on a journey through our facility! Boston Centerless supplies customers worldwide with precision ground bar materials for close tolerance CNC Swiss machining applications. The company also provides grinding services for customer-supplied materials and components, and provides CNC Swiss consulting services. [mep_register url=""]
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Tool Training: Laser Cutter

<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-21801" src="" alt="" width="300" height="150" /> Laser cutters are used to produce precise cuts and engravings with several materials based on 2D vector and raster images. The machines are commonly used for anything from industrial manufacturing to small and intricate art projects. This class will teach how to operate Technocopia’s Full Spectrum laser cutter safely and effectively. Students will learn the process of creating and preparing a simple design in Inkscape, opening it in Retina Engrave, and then operating the laser to produce the cut. We will also learn how to calibrate the auto focus sensor, and discuss what types of materials are appropriate to use with the machine. The software used is Inkscape (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a>) it's free to download and has many online references. <strong>This tool is available for family use! Any youth between the ages of 12-17 may take this class with a participating adult. </strong>For our student registration form and for class policies, please visit: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a> PLEASE NOTE: Registration via Eventbrite is preferred to ensure a seat in the class, however, if you wish to pay by cash or check, please notify us immediately at <a href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">[email protected]</a>. Thank you! <strong>About the Instructor</strong> <strong>Breanna Niebel,</strong> is a graphic designer and animator with extensive background in creative software. She went to college in Vermont and attended grad school in Wales, United Kingdom. Her passions include animation, drawing, and learning new things. Breanna has used Inkscape to design and laser cut wooden earrings, which she now sells on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">her Etsy page</a>. [mep_register url=""]
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FLEXcon’s Manufacturing Day

<img class="alignnone wp-image-21578" src="" alt="" width="468" height="78" />   <p class="text-body-large hide-small">FLEXcon would like to welcome you into their facility for a tour of their operations and some hands-on learning activities.</p>   [mep_register url=""]
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Robotics & AI Technical Career Fair

<img class="alignnone wp-image-21571" src="" alt="" width="534" height="267" />   <h2 class="text-body-large hide-small">About this event</h2> <div class="has-user-generated-content" data-automation="about-this-event-sc"> <div class="structured-content-rich-text structured-content__module l-align-left l-mar-vert-6 l-sm-mar-vert-4 text-body-medium"> The robotics industry is growing exponentially, and talent is in high demand. This targeted event is designed for technical industry jobseekers, including both recent graduates and seasoned engineers, computer scientists, vision specialists, mechatronics experts, AI professionals and all others seeking career opportunities with robotics/AI companies. Companies from start-ups to industry leaders will be hosting information tables where candidates can learn more about the company, find out what positions are open, and schedule interviews. Free and open to the public, job seekers must register in advance. (Hiring robotics/AI companies interested in participating contact [email protected]) Participating companies include: </div> </div> <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-21572" src="" alt="" width="300" height="150" /> MUST BE REGISTERED TO ATTEND [mep_register url=""]
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4th Annual Robot Block Party

<img class="alignnone wp-image-21575" src="" alt="" width="387" height="193" />   <h2 class="text-body-large hide-small">About this event</h2> <div class="has-user-generated-content" data-automation="about-this-event-sc"> <div class="structured-content-rich-text structured-content__module l-align-left l-mar-vert-6 l-sm-mar-vert-4 text-body-medium"> These are definitely the droids you're looking for. Stop by the Robo Boston Block Party on October 2nd from 11:00am - 4:00pm, to see the latest in all things robotics. From autonomous vehicles to drones, over 30 organizations will be spread across Seaport Common and the adjacent Exhibit Tent demonstrating their robots or offering hands-on experiences and STEM activities. You'll be able to witness robots walking, crawling, flying, and helping humans in new and unique ways. </div> </div> [mep_register url=""]
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