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Innovating for the Future

<img class="alignnone wp-image-25424 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="439" height="252" /> As the largest technology business in Pittsfield, the heart of the Berkshires, General Dynamics is always looking to expand our world-wide supply chain, particularly in Massachusetts. General Dynamics Mission Systems will be hosting an Innovating for the Future event at the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Berkshire Innovation Center</a></strong> in Pittsfield, MA. The Berkshires are a key location for General Dynamics Mission Systems and this event is aimed at furthering our relationship with the community through strengthening the local industrial sector. Due to space limitations, this event is by invitation only. For more information, please contact <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Question%20about%20Innovating%20for%20the%20Future%20Event">[email protected]</a> [mep_register url=""]
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Scan To Reverse Engineer with Functional 3D

<img class="wp-image-24547 size-full aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="300" height="200" />   <em>When a part goes out of production or drawings need updating, 3D scanning can help you speed up your design workflow and meet customer obligations.</em> It’s a challenge that becomes more common by the day: A smaller manufacturer can no longer get critical parts from their supplier, but drawings don’t exist. How will they continue to meet customer contracts? OR, drawings have changed over the decades but weren’t documented along the way. How long would it take to reverse engineer that key part and get work flowing again? 3D scanning technology offers very real benefits to small and medium-sized manufacturers in a variety of areas, including reverse engineering to solve supply chain challenges or to embrace additive manufacturing. Polaris MEP has teamed up with 3D scanning specialist Christopher Wilczewski for a series of fast-paced webinars about the applications of 3D scanning in manufacturing. This third and final "episode” in our Spring 2022 series focuses on the potential benefits of 3D scanning for reverse engineering/CAD. <h3>WHAT TO EXPECT</h3> 1) Overview of the role 3D scans play in the "new” reverse engineering 2) Understand how you can create Surface CAD bodies to be used in traditional CAD applications – even with organically shaped or hand made objects 3) Hear how 3D scans can allow for modern manufacturing such as Additive / 3D printing or forging 4) Manufacturer Mini-Success Story <h3>WHO SHOULD ATTEND</h3> <ul> <li>Owners, Founders, senior executives of RI manufacturing companies</li> <li>Engineering, Maintenance, Procurement leads</li> <li>Operations, Production leads</li> </ul> <h4>ABOUT THE TRAINER</h4> <img class="size-full wp-image-24540 alignright" src="" alt="" width="293" height="300" /> Christopher Wilczewski is the Founder and CEO of Functional 3D, a 3D scanning service and consulting company based in Providence, RI. The focus of Functional 3D is to bring the value of 3D capture technology without the large upfront costs and time associated with integrating this kind of technology. Industries supported include commercial construction, manufacturing, design and historical preservation with projects as small as a Revolutionary War era flint to as large as a 17-story building in New York City. Prior to starting his own firm, Christopher was an engineer and account manager at FARO Technologies, one of the leading manufacturers of 3D capture technologies. There he had the opportunity to learn and develop workflows in various fields and organizations across the US igniting his passion for the technology. Christopher is a member of DesignXRI and the Rhode Island Manufacturing Association.     [mep_register url=""]
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Additive Manufacturing in the New Normal with Design Point

Is this an April Fools, or can we really print a part for a machine on our shop floor? In this webinar we will discuss the AM roadmap; where we were and the current state of Additive Manufacturing. Then we will dive into what 3d printing actually is and some common technologies and their applications. Lastly, we will navigate a fictional company and learn where the average engineer, machinist, and factory worker is using 3d printing today. [mep_register url=""]
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MA Manufacturing Month resource event for small businesses

<div class="g-group l-lg-mar-bot-6 l-md-mar-bot-4 "> <div class="g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <div class="has-user-generated-content js-d-read-more read-more js-read-more read-more--medium-down read-more--expanded" data-xd-wired="read-more"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-toggle-view read-more__toggle-view"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-contents text-body-medium" data-automation="listing-event-description"><strong>MA Manufacturing Month resource event for small businesses</strong></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-group l-mar-bot-6 l-sm-mar-bot-4"> <div class="structured-content g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <h2 class="text-body-large hide-small">About this Event</h2> <div class="has-user-generated-content" data-automation="about-this-event-sc"> <div class="structured-content-rich-text structured-content__module l-align-left l-mar-vert-6 l-sm-mar-vert-4 text-body-medium"> <h3>Please join us on Wednesday, October 28th at 10 AM for a small manufacturers virtual networking event.</h3> <h3>October is Manufacturing Month in Massachusetts and there is a wealth of resources available for innovative makers that call Massachusetts home.</h3> <h3><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">>> Learn more about Massachusetts Manufacturing Month </a></h3>   <h3>Invited Speakers:</h3> <ul> <li>Wendell G. Davis, SBA New England Regional Administrator</li> <li>Robert H. Nelson, SBA MA District Director</li> <li>Ili Spahiu, Lead Lender Relations Specialist</li> <li>John Killam, President, MassMEP</li> <li>Kristen Rayne, Outreach Manager, Commonwealth Corporation</li> <li>Mark Manuel, Founder, Industrial Marketing (Certified ThomasNet Partner)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> [mep_register url=""]
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