Industry Industry


2022 Fall Manufacturing Summit

<a href=""><img class=" wp-image-28252 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="136" height="107" /></a> <p style="text-align: center"><strong>"Celebrating Manufacturing Day Together!”</strong></p> October 7th is nationally recognized as Manufacturing Day and October is Nationally recognized as Manufacturing Month! Organizations and Employers throughout Massachusetts, specifically Metro Boston and Western surrounding areas, will come together to celebrate Manufacturing Day 2022 while learning how their organization can participate and/or help promote the incredible career and training opportunities available in the Manufacturing Industry. A work group has been assembled, comprised of Workforce Partners, employers and community partners, to not only host informative and exciting events for Manufacturing Month for anyone interested in new career opportunities, but also promote those events to the masses and provide opportunities for individuals and organizations to learn more and/or participate in Manufacturing Month. Attend the 2022 FALL MANUFACTURING SUMMIT and you/your organization will: <ul> <li>Have the opportunity to network with a variety of Employers, Workforce Partners, Community Organizations and more who have the same goals in mind- either provide their customers (job seekers) with quality career opportunities or help create a pipeline of qualified job seekers for those employers with opportunities.</li> <li>Learn about the wonderful events taking place celebrating Manufacturing Month 2022 and how your organization can participate.</li> <li>Learn about the resources available for Manufacturers and job seekers within Massachusett’s Workforce System.</li> </ul> Be the first to register for this year’s Manufacturing Resource Fair being held October 27th!   [mep_register url=""]
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