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The Mass. Manufacturing Community Responds to COVID-19

MassTech Leads the Work of the

Manufacturing Emergency Response Team

The leaders of the Baker-Polito Administration’s Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative including Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy and Mike Tamasi, President and CEO of AccuRounds established the Manufacturing Emergency Response Team (M-ERT) to assist in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  This work is being done in coordination with the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Response Command Center, led by Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders.

The M-ERT’s Mission:

Interested in donating or selling PPE? Click hereTo mobilize, organize, and operationalize critical path work streams necessary for Massachusetts manufacturers to pivot their operations to produce needed materials in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Members of the M-ERT include representatives from: Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA), MIT, MIT Lincoln Labs, the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP), Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), and multiple industry partners.

A program office through the MassTech Collaborative has been established. Members have been organized into logical groups to address manufacturing supply chain issues, such as:

  • Understanding what PPE and COVID-19 related materials are of highest priority to produce;
  • Regulatory compliance;
  • What specifications and testing are necessary; and
  • Sharing design and CAD files, along with supporting manufacturers who can pivot their operations.

As part of this effort, team membership includes expertise in reviewing the efficacy of products developed through this initiative, with an eye towards ensuring the safety of healthcare workers on the frontline.

If your organization is interested in joining effort, please fill out the form below and an

M-ERT member will reach out.

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