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Why Choose a Non-Traditional Workforce?

Pathways to Production – November 2023

In today’s world of Manufacturing there is still a need to find and retain skilled employees. Manufacturers are getting creative in their searches and are looking to alternate sources for building their pipeline. MassMEP’s Pathway to Production (P2P) program is a solution to fill the pipeline with skilled workers by engaging and training nontraditional workers. Customized skill training, ongoing case management and support services are the backbone of this program.

P2P is a grant funded pilot-program through MassMEP and will afford the cost of training and wages of new workers from nontraditional populations including those from underserved communities like people with disabilities, limited English speaking, and opportunity youth. We are also partnering with Correctional Facilities and MassHires across the state to train and place returning citizens (those formerly incarcerated) into full-time jobs in manufacturing. In addition to participant wages, this grant contains funding to support accommodation and the readiness of your company to ensure long-term success of new hires.

MassMEP is working with Huckel Inclusive – a consulting group that specializes in working with companies on issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility – to pilot an Employer Readiness Assessment. The findings of this 20-minute assessment will provide the foundation for the creation of a workforce development plan for your company and support the development of an onboarding process that can contribute to your company’s growth.

If you are a small or medium sized manufacturer who will be able to participate in the program in a timeline of now through June 30, 2024, and identifies with one of more of the following statements you can benefit from this opportunity:

o My company is struggling to find and/or retain new employees

o My company needs a formalized or organized onboarding and training process

o I want to increase the diversity of my staff

o I want to develop a strong company culture

o My company needs to think about succession planning to replace our aging workforce and document legacy skills scheduled to leave our company over the next few years

For more information click HERE or contact Wendy Mackie at [email protected] or 774-633-5990 to learn more.

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