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MassMEP Employee Highlights – Sarah Healy

Sarah Healy – MassMEP Employee Highlights

Sarah Healy is MassMEP’s Administration Coordinator working under Robin Anderson, Administration Manager. Sarah describes how she has been settling into her role. “I’ve been slowly taking up some of Robin’s responsibilities as she moves more into surveys and other work. I’ve been working in SalesForce, keeping up with reporting, and keeping up with the Project Manager’s and things they are doing. If there are past due items, I remind them about them. If they are not uploading things that are needed, I also try to get them to move on those. I’ve just started learning about consortiums and sat in on a marketing consortium with Tribal Vision. In general, I’m learning the ropes.”

Prior to working at MassMEP Sarah began her career in the finance world. She was with a larger finance company for about 6 years and liked it “I started out by learning about 401K’s and nonprofit retirement plans. Then I became a case manager to help companies transition benefits when someone passes away, so it was a little sad, but rewarding. After a few years, it was such a large company, I felt like I was getting lost. In a big company you don’t really have support for finding your own career path, so I started to think about going elsewhere. I’ve known about MassMEP for quite some time and heard nothing but good things about it. I like what MassMEP does and I find it interesting. Then the job posting came along so I applied, and here we are.”

Sarah describes what she finds most rewarding about her job. “What I’ve carried with me in any job or any role that I’ve ever had, whether it be a project or any other task that you’ve seen from beginning to end, is seeing the positive outcome. And MassMEP does that – we help companies drive efficiencies in so many different ways I feel like that’s very cool. The companies are learning and taking in the information and are so appreciative of it. And its very cool to see how that impacts their company.”

Outside of the office Sarah has many ways to spend her down time. “I love being active and relaxing. I actually live in NH at the base of Crotched Mountain. It’s a ski mountain, so my fiancé and I love to go on hikes and walks. We live on a dirt road with tons of paths. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family like most people do and I wouldn’t be who I am without them, so I’m happy to have their support.”

How well do you know Sarah? Two of these statements are true and one is not. Can you guess which one?

  • I grew up in a funeral home.
  • I was on the varsity cheer leader team all four years of high school
  • I love to go to amusement parks and ride on roller coasters.