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MassMEP Receives $400k in Cooperative Agreement with NIST to strengthen Supply Chain for MA Manufacturers

The Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), a program of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standardsand Technology (NIST), has awarded $400,000 to MassMEP to develop programs to make domestic supply chains more resilient and efficient. MassMEP will use the $400,000 to support the Massachusetts manufacturing supply chain and with those funds we have purchased the license for Connex Massachusetts.

If you’re a MA. manufacturer, there are many reasons why you should join and participate in CONNEX Massachusetts. You gain Access to a Detailed Directory of all U.S. Manufacturers and Suppliers: This in-depth directory helps you find qualified domestic suppliers with the specific products, services and manufacturing. capabilities you need. You can also use it to find new customers whose needs fit your capabilities. The powerful interactive networking tools in CONNEX let you find and be found across the local and national supply chain. Every day, large buyers are looking for manufacturers just like you. Creating and maintaining your manufacturing profile allows others to easily find you based on your manufacturing capabilities. They will be able to find you through CONNEX!

CONNEX, the most advanced supply chain and manufacturing networking
database tool ever assembled, connects the Massachusetts and U.S. manufacturing
supply chain and promotes domestic sourcing whenever possible. CONNEX connects small manufacturers and suppliers to large primes, OEM’s and other buyers based on data such as equipment, certifications, SBA designations, processes, capabilities and more.

These MEP cooperative agreements are designed to strengthen the nation’s manufacturer resilience. The funding will enable MassMEP to create and implement new strategies to benefit the manufacturing industry, such as promoting the CONNEX Massachusetts supply chain marketplace and to expand participation in this valuable network that connects manufacturers to resources and expertise throughout Massachusetts.

The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 authorized a pilot program of awards that would allow MEP centers to provide services focused on resiliency of domestic supply chains, workforce development and adoption of advanced technology upgrades at small and medium-sized manufacturers.