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Lead Generation Webinar with Tribal Vision

<img class="wp-image-25489 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="315" height="221" /> Learn Techniques to Maximize Lead Generation and Sales Conversions This webinar will help manufacturers put in place the building blocks necessary to optimize lead generation as well as sales conversion methods throughout your pipeline. Specific sub-topics will include: <ul> <li>Website optimizations (including SEO and analytics)</li> <li>LinkedIn outreach best practices and mastery</li> <li>Account based marketing outreach and best practices</li> <li>Digital marketing and sales tools and platforms to close new business</li> </ul> [mep_register url=""]
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MMAP Information Session

<div class="mceTemp"></div> <img class=" wp-image-21327 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="628" height="230" />   Massachusetts Technology Collaborative ("Mass Tech Collaborative” or "MassTech”), on behalf of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing ("CAM") is issuing this Request for Proposals for state cost share to support manufacturing projects (Solicitation No.2022-CAM-03) (the "Solicitation” or "Solicitation”) from qualified manufacturers ("Respondents”) located within the Commonwealth’s borders, as part of the state’s on-going commitment to the manufacturing industry. Respondents will be competing against each other for funds dedicated to manufacturing expansion grants to accelerate company growth. The submissions of all Respondents shall be compared and evaluated pursuant to the evaluation criteria set forth in this Solicitation. The Massachusetts Manufacturing Accelerate Program ("MMAP”) provides capital cost share up to $250,000 for projects located within the Commonwealth’s borders, as part of the state’s on-going commitment to the manufacturing industry. The program aims to help Massachusetts-based small to medium sized manufacturers prepare their businesses to meet the demands of Industry 4.0 and the manufacturing of new technologies and innovations that align with key industries in the Commonwealth, including semiconductor, defense and aerospace, battery technologies and additive manufacturing. The MMAP program: <ul> <li>Provides<strong> CAPITAL</strong>: Through necessary capital equipment purchases, a manufacturer will have access to new supply chain connections, new opportunities, and growth.</li> <li>Creates <strong>PARTNERSHIPS</strong>: This program aims to make connections between manufacturers and non-profit partners to help build an ecosystem of support for our manufacturers to collaborate and rely on. These partnerships will provide assistance through technical support, workforce development support, business connections, or other means of assistance, depending on the partner, to help manufacturers drive efficiencies and scale their business.</li> </ul> It is a requirement that a company collaborate with a non-profit, academic or quasi state agency partner to receive funding. Non-profit partners include academic institutions of higher learning (except for state academic institutions), or a non-profit such as Mass Robotics, MassHire workforce boards, or MassMEP, or other quasi state agencies.   [mep_register url=""]
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Massachusetts Manufacturers At Your Request – Agile and DFM: Module 2

<img class="wp-image-25022 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="540" height="540" /> <a href="">DFMWorkshops (2)</a> The past two years have taught us the endurance and tenacity of Manufacturing in MA. As part of that, the top two subjects Massachusetts manufacturers are looking for more insight with hands on training are, Agile & DFM. MassMEP offers a two part module workshop designed for the Massachusetts Manufacturing Industry. <strong>Module two of the series:</strong> Design for Manufacturability, DFM, the benefits of different manufacturing processes and the effect of cost based on the manufacturing process and tooling consideration. The Value Engineering Methodology evaluates the different manufacturing processes, tooling consideration and labor content to establish overall cost to decide on the most economical overall price. <em><strong>Please note this is One Module that is a two-day training module for each topic. That being written, this workshop requires both days in both modules are to be completed for the full training package. As an attendee you will need to schedule time to attend the training over the four day, eight-hour training time. Example: I will be in training for Agile, May 19th & 26th and in training for DFM, June 9th & 16th.</strong></em> Please note that it is strongly recommended that you participate in both of these modules to receive the full package of the training. [mep_register url=""]
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The Secret to Improving Your Leadership… Really

  <h2 style="margin: 0in;font-family: Calibri;font-size: 11.0pt"><a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-23130"><img class="size-full wp-image-23130 alignleft" src="" alt="" width="400" height="147" /></a></h2> <h2 style="margin: 0in;font-family: Calibri;font-size: 11.0pt"><a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-23131"><img class="size-full wp-image-23131 alignright" src="" alt="" width="600" height="97" /></a></h2>             Why do so few leadership improvement efforts produce the results that leaders and business sponsors want? What is in the way? Through decades of working with manufacturers to help them improve their companies and leadership, we’ve discovered that there are five common obstacles to leadership improvement that must be overcome in order to achieve the desired results. We’ve also developed a process that will help any organization improve their leaders – and not just a little improvement, but the "who are you and what have you done with my old leader” type of improvement that we’re all after in our development efforts. Join Keith Gammill from the Arkansas Manufacturing Extension Partnership as he discusses: 1. The five common obstacles to leadership improvement and a methodology to overcome them 2. The importance of vision and what it does for your leadership 3. How to apply the Toyota Kata improvement methodology to leadership improvement 4. Why so many confuse management for leadership and why this matters 5. The Transformational Leadership Improvement process through the lens of a frontline leader 6. How to improve your workplace resilience The MEP National Network will host this workforce webinar with Quality Digest. For more information, email <a title="mailto:[email protected]" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>. [mep_register url=""]
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Adaptive Control and Monitoring, a solution to reduce cycle time and increase tool life during the manufacturing process.

<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-21794" src="" alt="" width="300" height="68" /> Adaptive Control and Monitoring allows for the adjustment of the feed rate, in real time, based on the current cutting conditions. To improve the tool life, reduce the feed when entering the material for every pass without any changes to the program. All while constantly monitoring production to detect overload and broken tools. A software based solution to: ¥ Reduce machine cycle times ¥ Improve tool life ¥ Enable lights out manufacturing <strong>Target Audience</strong>: Machine Builders, Retrofitters, End Users <strong>Presenter</strong>: Stephen Fruehe, Pre-Sales Engineer, Siemens [mep_register url=""]
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Securing the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Cybersecurity and Manufacturing

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-21787" src="" alt="" width="180" height="90" /> Artificial intelligence, advanced analytics, smart sensors and cloud computing are driving today's cutting-edge manufacturing and industrial processes. IT security, integrity and reliability play an integral role in the success of advanced manufacturing. Hear from IT leaders, industry experts and manufacturers about strategies on security, threats, planning, testing and compliance that meet at the intersection of manufacturing and cybersecurity. [mep_register url=""]
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Is Your Business Properly Insured?

<img class="alignnone wp-image-21778" src="" alt="" width="225" height="129" /> Your small business risks determine the type of insurance policies you need. Your insurance needs will depend on the specific characteristics of your small business. Similar businesses share similar risks, it's helpful to explore insurance coverage recommendations by industry. This workshop will expose you to the different types of small business insurances. Not all insurance policies will be required for your business. This workshop will explore the many different types of insurance policies and their benefits. Your insurance agent is one of the members of your team. The speaker will be Christopher Mooney, Business Development Licensed Broker with Sterling Insurance Agency, Inc. [mep_register url=""]
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Cyber Security: What You Need to Know

<img class="alignnone wp-image-21778" src="" alt="" width="220" height="126" /> "Cyber Security is an important aspect for all small businesses. This webinar will review the basics and requirements of small businesses and customer privacy. Presented by Walter Manninen, Senior Business Advisor and Financial Specialist of the Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Northeast Regional Office." [mep_register url=""]
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Automated Production Intelligence: Get deep insights into your factory operations with no operator input

<h1 class="tribe-events-single-event-title"><img class="alignnone wp-image-21775" src="" alt="" width="366" height="193" /></h1> Automated production intelligence from Datanomix is the evolution of production monitoring, offering deeper insights without the need for any operator input. By simply connecting to your CNC machines, Datanomix collects and analyzes the data in real-time, and uses machine learning to provide information on machine utilization, cycle times, parts per hour, and machine alarms in dashboards your operators use to understand what’s happening on their machines right now. And, over time, Datanomix unveils insights into total factory performance, allowing management to make better decisions around job costing, hiring, and capital expenditures. In this session, attendees will learn: <ul> <li>Why "no operator input” is essential to effective next-generation product intelligence systems – and to future-proof your factory</li> <li>How Datanomix provides a window into today’s production in real time, and deep insights into overall factory trends over time</li> <li>How pre-built reports and visuals lead to better communication and to deploying resources where they are needed right now</li> <li>The best way to start the day off right – the morning Coffee Cup report, an executive summary of the previous day’s production</li> </ul> [mep_register url=""]
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Pandemic Planning – OSHA Language

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has released the emergency temporary standard (ETS) approved by the White House's regulatory office. The guidance covers employer requirements around the vaccine mandates including paid time off, paid sick leave for vaccinated employees, remote workers, and more. The Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) is providing resources to help our members understand and prepare for the requirements released by OSHA. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> OSHA’s COVID-19 Vaccination Emergency Temporary Standard</a>. Join us <strong> </strong>as we drill into what you need to know as an employer developing, implementing, and enforcing mandatory COVID-19 vaccination- policies. <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-21712" src="" alt="" width="300" height="150" /> [mep_register url="{ED32E979-1E2D-EC11-811A-000D3A044486}&_cldee=ZW1tYW1AbWFzc21lcC5vcmc%3d&recipientid=contact-fc0f608731c5eb118110000d3a01cfd3-8f6a67dd2baa42d6a9e53712252337a8&esid=add0efe5-ac3d-ec11-8115-000d3a01cfd3"]
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