Industry Industry


Attracting & Retaining the Z & Millennial Generations for Manufacturing Worcester, MA

<h5 class="p1">Customizable technical training with minimal impact to production!<a href=""><img class="wp-image-6252 alignright" src="" alt="" width="207" height="114" /></a></h5> <p class="p1">With millions of manufacturing workers expected to retire in the next few years, rapid changes in technology and record low unemployment, employers are discovering that they need to do something different to train the next generation of the workforce. Manufacturers need to leverage new learning and development systems to attract new workers, accelerate workforce training and retain tribal knowledge.</p> <p class="p1">In this session you will learn how:</p> <ul> <li class="p3">online learning aligns with how Millennials and Generation Z workers think</li> <li class="p3">MassMEP can customize Tooling U training programs and manage their administration</li> <li class="p3">the Workforce Training Fund Program may be able to offset some of the cost</li> </ul> About Tooling U-SME Tooling U-SME delivers versatile, competency-based learning and development solutions to the manufacturing community, working with more than half of all Fortune 500¨ manufacturing companies, as well as 600 educational institutions across the country. Tooling U-SME partners with customers to build high performers who help their companies drive quality, productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction. Working directly with hundreds of high schools, community colleges, and universities, Tooling U-SME is also able to help prepare the next generation workforce by providing industry-driven curriculum.   [mep_register url=""]
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Massachusetts Manufacturer is this Medical Device Development workshop what you’ve been looking for?

<p style="text-align: center"><img class="alignnone wp-image-28320 size-medium" src="" alt="" width="300" height="300" /></p>   <h1>UPDATE! Date Change!</h1>   <p style="text-align: left">Join us for this three part workshop series for Medical Device Development. Do you as a Medical Device Manufacturer fall into one of the categories below? If yes, we will see you in September!</p> <ul> <li>Production development, manufacturing, technical, or executive professionals interested in learning more about medical device development and commercialization</li> <li>Entrepreneurs actively engaged in or considering a medical device startup</li> <li>Ecosystem partners interested in understanding more about how they can support medical device manufacturers and developers throughout the total product lifecycle</li> </ul> Medical Device Development Series: <h4>Session 1: Architecting Trust October 12, 9-11 AM</h4> <ul> <li>Case Introduction – MA Manufacturing Emergency Response Team (MERT)</li> <li>Topics Covered – Crisis Response, Systems Thinking, System Engineering, Stakeholder Value Mapping, and Medical Device Product Lifecycle</li> </ul> <h4>Session 2: A Case for Quality October 19, 9-11 AM</h4> <ul> <li>Topics Covered – FDA Regulatory Pathways, Quality Management (ISO 13485), and Risk Management (ISO 14971)</li> </ul> <h4>Session 3: The Human Element November 2, 9-11 AM</h4> <ul> <li>Form-Function-Frequency, Stakeholder-Connected Value Statement, and Patient-User-Product Safety (IEC 62366 and IEC 60601-1)</li> </ul> <h4>Goals for the Series:</h4> <ul> <li>Help those that are new to, or considering, medical device development understand more about the total product life cycle</li> <li>Introduce foundational concepts of FDA quality management and regulatory requirements and pathways</li> <li>Provide those working in startups, or interested in engaging with startups, a roadmap and resources for further learning</li> <li>Share application of systems thinking to multidisciplinary problem solving, model-driven engineering, design, and strategic decision making from MIT</li> <li>Connect attendees to share knowledge and experiences and enable professional networking</li> </ul> <h4>Workshop facilitator: Ben Linville-Engler</h4> Ben is the Chief Investment Strategist and Program Executive at MassTech where he works across the agency’s programs and funds to manage strategic investments into emerging technologies, align investments with growth strategies, and identify new opportunities for growth to ensure maximum impact on the Commonwealth’s tech and innovation economy. Ben also provides program oversight for the agency’s Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM), MassCyberCenter, and the Massachusetts eHealth Institute (MeHi). To register to attend this event, you must register through the registration button through this <a href="">link</a>. When registering for this event, you are registering for the three (3)-part workshop that will be held virtually from 9-11 AM each week, October 12, 19 & November 2. This is the only registration <a href="">link</a> for this workshop.
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Manufacturing Your Future I4.0

<p style="text-align: center"><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-24411 size-medium" src="" alt="" width="300" height="300" /></a></p> <p style="text-align: center"><em>Industry 4.0 "is a journey of continued improvement & innovation through advanced technologies, process enhancements and integrated information that provides manufacturing companies a competitive advantage.” -Tom Andrellos</em></p> This event is for Massachusetts Manufacturers to come together and take a deep dive through the components of Industry 4.0, a view of SMART Manufacturing, and key takeaways on the importance of building a roadmap in I4.0 to remain competitive and see direct impacts to the bottom line. Subject Matter Experts will be speaking to I4.0 Roadmapping, IIoT, Automation, Additive, CyberSecurity, and so much more. Expect to see these subject matter experts speaking and exhibiting along with other experts in this field at the event. Join us in-person at the DCU Club inside Polar Park at the WooSox Stadium. Click on the link to register today! [mep_register url=""]
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Manufacturing Your Career Opportunities

<img class="wp-image-24020 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="441" height="680" /> <strong>Manufacturing Your Career Opportunities with Tegra Medical</strong> MassMEP, Rep Roy, and MassHire will be holding a Manufacturing Job Fair with Tegra Medical for serious candidates only. Manufacturing today is not the Manufacturing of yesterday and Tegra Medical is a perfect example. If you are in the job market and are serious about entering the Manufacturing industry register today for this event. The job opportunity afternoon will take place at Tegra Medical from 3-5 PM. This event will be a screened event for serious candidates only. Registration for the event will be open soon, in the meantime put your resume together and do some due diligence on opportunities available at Tegra Medical in the Manufacturing industry. For more information keep checking back on this page or contact the <a href="">MassMEP Marketing Department</a>.   [mep_register url=""]
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Manufacturing Day

<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-21602" src="" alt="" width="300" height="300" /> Join MassMEP and the Manufacturers in Massachusetts as we celebrate #MFGDay21! Click into each event listed in the day for specific details!
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NERDIC Industry 4.0 Readiness Ecosystem: Introduction to 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing to Assist Traditional Manufacturing

<h5>This introductory workshop is part of the NERDIC Industry 4.0 Readiness Ecosystem program for small manufacturing enterprises in the defense supply chain. For more information, please visit</h5> 3D Printing (or Additive Manufacturing) is a powerful tool available to manufacturers. Some companies are adopting the technology to produce end-use parts, but even if your customers are not sending you RFQ’s for additively made parts, most companies can adopt additive to create tools, fixtures, prototypes and other aids to assist traditional manufacturing processes. Some types of AM can also be used as a powerful repair and part modification tool shortening lead times on critical repairs and replacement parts. Learning Objectives By the conclusion of the presentation, attendees will: ¥ Understand what AM is, and the materials and equipment used ¥ Case studies of companies using AM to aid or supplement their traditional manufacturing processes ¥ Next steps in learning more about using AM in your company </ul> [mep_register url=""]
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NextFlex Massachusetts Node Webinar

The Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) at MassTech Collaborative together with the University of Massachusetts Lowell are initiating a webinar series for the NextFlex¨ Massachusetts Node. <div>In this second webinar we will have two sessions in the hour to discuss Advanced Manufacturing: Scalable Print and Roll-to-Roll Technologies & Carpe Diem Nano Imprint for FlexibleElectronics, Optics, and Fluidics</div> <div></div> <div><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">NextFlex Massachusetts Node</a> website provides you with:</div> <div></div> <ul> <li>Collaboration opportunities;</li> <li>Posted job openings;</li> <li>Internships;</li> <li>Resources list; and</li> <li>Company spotlights.</li> </ul> [mep_register url=""]
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Pandemic Exit Plan Info Session

<div class="header" data-view="registration/header/header" data-active-view="true"> <div class="branding-image" data-bind="visible:getBrandingInfo().logoImageUrl()"> <p class="p1"><img class="wp-image-19051 alignleft" src="" alt="" width="620" height="413" />In this information session, Exolytic and Safety Trainers will provide information on the steps to help manufactures actively take control of their company for 2021 this hour-long session will provide insights into the level one workshop that will be part instructional and part practical creating a pandemic exit plan for your company.</p> </div> </div> [mep_register url=""]
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EastWest Exchange Virtual Conference

<img class="wp-image-14014 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="1327" height="650" />   <h5 class="p1" style="text-align: center"><strong>V I R T U A L C O N F E R E N C E | A U G U S T 1 9 , 2 0 2 0 | 9 : 0 0 A M - 1 : 3 0 P M</strong></h5> <h4 class="p1" style="text-align: center">Discover opportunities to <span class="s1">strengthen ties within</span></h4> <h4 class="p2" style="text-align: center">the Massachusetts innovation ecosystem <span class="s2">amidst</span></h4> <h4 class="p1" style="text-align: center">global supply chain disruptions.</h4> <div class="g-group l-lg-mar-bot-6 l-md-mar-bot-4 "> <div class="g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <div class="has-user-generated-content js-d-read-more read-more js-read-more read-more--medium-down read-more--expanded" data-xd-wired="read-more"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-toggle-view read-more__toggle-view"> <div data-automation="listing-event-description"></div> <div class="js-xd-read-more-contents text-body-medium" style="text-align: center" data-automation="listing-event-description"><strong>Join a collaborative network of leaders strengthening resiliency in the innovation processes that power the Massachusetts economy.</strong></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-group l-mar-bot-6 l-sm-mar-bot-4"> <div class="structured-content g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"></div> </div>   <p style="text-align: center">[mep_register url=""]</p>
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Massachusetts is Leading Manufacturing Into the Future

<h4>Manufacturing Symposium</h4> <strong>Topic: </strong>Massachusetts Driving the Future of Manufacturing – M-ERT <strong>Date: </strong>Friday, October 9, 2020 <strong>Time:</strong> 1:00pm - 2:30pm <strong>Host: </strong>John Killam, President MassMEP <strong>Guests:</strong> <div>Panelist:</div> <div>Mike Kennealy Secretary Of Housing and Economic Development</div> <div>Carolyn Kirk, MassTech Collaborative Mike Tamasi, AccuRounds</div> <strong>Description: </strong>Manufacturing is essential to the Massachusetts economy, especially during these pandemic times. Through the COVID-19 Manufacturing Emergency Response Team (MERT), Massachusetts manufacturers have pivoted operations and produced millions of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the fight against the virus. Learn how Massachusetts supported manufacturers during the pandemic and what the future holds for the Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative. <strong> </strong> [mep_register url=""]
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