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Cobots Can Lend a Hand

<div class="header" data-view="registration/header/header" data-active-view="true"> <div class="branding-image" data-bind="visible:getBrandingInfo().logoImageUrl()"><img id="logoImage" class="img-responsive aligncenter" src="" data-bind="attr:{src:getBrandingInfo().logoImageUrl()}" /></div> <h1 class="word-wrap-break" data-bind="style:{color:getBrandingInfo().selectedHeaderColor}, text:getWebinarInfo().subject">Battling COVID-19 - Cobots Can Lend a Hand, Presented by MassMEP and Axis New England</h1> </div> <div class="trainingTimesBox clearfix" data-bind="visible:!webinarTimesVM().allSessionsOver()"> <div data-view="registration/body/body.webinarTimes" data-active-view="true"> <hr /> <div class="row col-md-12"> <ol id="training-times" class="trainingTimes" data-bind="'foreach':webinarTimesVM().webinarSessions()"> <li class="next" data-bind="'text':$data.getStartAndEndDate(), style:{'display': $parent.webinarTimesVM().showAllList() ? 'list-item' : ''}, css:{'past':past && !$data.inSession, 'next':next, 'future':future, 'far-future':farFuture}">Tues, Jan 19, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT</li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> <div data-bind="visible:getWebinarInfo().description" data-view="registration/body/body.description" data-active-view="true"> <hr /> <div class="description trainingDescription"> <div class="clearfix"><img id="customThemeImage" class="customImage alignright" src="" data-bind="attr:{src:getBrandingInfo().themeImageUrl}" /><span class="registration-description" data-bind="expander:{'expandText': moreButtonText(), 'userCollapseText': lessButtonText(), 'text':getWebinarInfo().description}">Learn more about automation with collaborative robots and how this new technology can help you make an immediate impact. You will see hands-on demonstrations and learn about: - Universal Robots collaborative robot technology - Plug-and-play accessories for rapid deployment - How to program a pick and place application - How to use pallet grids, force control, and vision guidance - Successful application examples - How to get started with your application</span></div> </div> </div> [mep_register url=""]
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Front Line Supervisor Apprenticeship Training Consortium Info Session

<strong>NEW</strong> Front Line Supervisor Apprenticeship Training <p class="p1"><strong>TRAINING DESCRIPTION:</strong> Operational Excellence for Supervisors consists of 3 modules, Leadership Skills, Manufacturing Principles, and Problem Solving. This course is delivered over a 12-month span and is designed to provide both awareness and education through classroom and actual "hands-on” exercises in the work environment with an emphasis on the Scientific Method of problem-solving, team building, and conflict resolution. These are competency-based skills: managers and trainers will evaluate progress and determine the level of competence achieved throughout the apprenticeship period.</p> <ul> <li>1-year training program, 3 per class/month</li> <li>delivered virtually</li> <li>3 training modules - leadership skills, manufacturing principles, problem-solving</li> <li>registered apprenticeship (company will become a "co-sponsor" with MassMEP)</li> <li>qualifies for MA Registered Apprentice Tax Credit ($4,800/apprentice)</li> <li>funding support available through the Workforce Training Fund</li> </ul> <b>WHO SHOULD ATTEND</b>:<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Supervisors and Work Leaders that responsible for and coordinate the activities of production workers, such as inspectors, machine setters, assemblers, fabricators, and maintenance. [mep_register url=""]
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Additive Manufacturing in the New Normal with Design Point

In 2020, the global supply chain was disrupted by the devastating Covid-19 crisis. In this new reality companies that had future proofed their processes and removed risk from their supply chains thrived while others perished. In this segment, additive engineer Andrew Garchik will present specific use cases showing how manufacturers are using additive manufacturing to make their supply chains leaner and meaner. Also, Solidworks expert Dan Lawrence will be covering Dfam (design for additive manufacturing) and will be showcasing a 3d printed drone as an example. [mep_register url=""]
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Front Line Supervisor Apprenticeship Training Consortium Info Session

<strong>NEW</strong> Front Line Supervisor Apprenticeship Training <p class="p1"><strong>TRAINING DESCRIPTION:</strong> Operational Excellence for Supervisors consists of 3 modules, Leadership Skills, Manufacturing Principles, and Problem Solving. This course is delivered over a 12-month span and is designed to provide both awareness and education through classroom and actual "hands-on” exercises in the work environment with an emphasis on the Scientific Method of problem-solving, team building, and conflict resolution. These are competency-based skills: managers and trainers will evaluate progress and determine the level of competence achieved throughout the apprenticeship period.</p> <ul> <li>1-year training program, 3 per class/month</li> <li>delivered virtually</li> <li>3 training modules - leadership skills, manufacturing principles, problem-solving</li> <li>registered apprenticeship (company will become a "co-sponsor" with MassMEP)</li> <li>qualifies for MA Registered Apprentice Tax Credit ($4,800/apprentice)</li> <li>funding support available through the Workforce Training Fund</li> </ul> <b>WHO SHOULD ATTEND</b>:<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Supervisors and Work Leaders that responsible for and coordinate the activities of production workers, such as inspectors, machine setters, assemblers, fabricators, and maintenance. [mep_register url=""]
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Live: Hacker Prevention Hour

Cybersecurity awareness month! Join us live on Facebook as MassMEP takes you through their Bronze, Silver and Gold roadmap to becoming cyber secure. Hear from our partners, CyberSaint and Exolytic to learn about becoming CMMC or 27001 Certified. Also hear from manufacturing companies for tips and tricks on what's happening today and how to keep your data safe. [mep_register url=""]
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MA Manufacturing Month resource event for small businesses

<div class="g-group l-lg-mar-bot-6 l-md-mar-bot-4 "> <div class="g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <div class="has-user-generated-content js-d-read-more read-more js-read-more read-more--medium-down read-more--expanded" data-xd-wired="read-more"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-toggle-view read-more__toggle-view"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-contents text-body-medium" data-automation="listing-event-description"><strong>MA Manufacturing Month resource event for small businesses</strong></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-group l-mar-bot-6 l-sm-mar-bot-4"> <div class="structured-content g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <h2 class="text-body-large hide-small">About this Event</h2> <div class="has-user-generated-content" data-automation="about-this-event-sc"> <div class="structured-content-rich-text structured-content__module l-align-left l-mar-vert-6 l-sm-mar-vert-4 text-body-medium"> <h3>Please join us on Wednesday, October 28th at 10 AM for a small manufacturers virtual networking event.</h3> <h3>October is Manufacturing Month in Massachusetts and there is a wealth of resources available for innovative makers that call Massachusetts home.</h3> <h3><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">>> Learn more about Massachusetts Manufacturing Month </a></h3>   <h3>Invited Speakers:</h3> <ul> <li>Wendell G. Davis, SBA New England Regional Administrator</li> <li>Robert H. Nelson, SBA MA District Director</li> <li>Ili Spahiu, Lead Lender Relations Specialist</li> <li>John Killam, President, MassMEP</li> <li>Kristen Rayne, Outreach Manager, Commonwealth Corporation</li> <li>Mark Manuel, Founder, Industrial Marketing (Certified ThomasNet Partner)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> [mep_register url=""]
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Virtual Safety Certificate Series – Level One

COVID-19 has made health and safety in the workplace a major priority for businesses everywhere. In addition to your full-time job, are you also now responsible for safety? If so, we can help. Let us give you the Cliffs Notes version of being a safety professional in our Virtual Safety Program for emerging leaders. Let us teach you how to take control and manage safety for your company in an organized and effective way. Every day your business is vulnerable to adverse events, incidents, or disruptions that create risk. It’s time to move away from reacting and move toward preventing. We know prevention costs less, and when you have a plan the outcomes are always better. In our Virtual Safety Certificate Series - Level One, you will learn which OSHA regulations apply to your business. We will also provide you with a plan for establishing a foundation of safety and health in your workplace. This series will show you the immediate changes and corrective actions that can be made in your organization to lower risk and protect your employees and your business. Let us help. Who should attend? This highly interactive series is ideal for those with responsibility for their organization's overall safety compliance, programs, and training and is applicable throughout industries such as manufacturing, distribution, colleges & universities, restaurants, hotels, municipalities, healthcare, construction, and biotech. Sessions will take place virtually from 8:30-11:00 am on Wednesdays, October 7 – November 18 <h5>Cost:</h5> <div class="training_panel_list"> <div class="training_panel_list_item"> <i class="fas fa-check"></i>The series is $1,545 for AIM members and $1,855 for non-members </div> </div> [mep_register url=""]
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Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification

<h4>Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification</h4> Join MassMEP for Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification an overview of the DMAIC process. Become familiar with the methodology and basic tools of process improvement. When a process is operating at a six sigma level, it means that the process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. To achieve this level of operational excellence requires organizations to adhere to strict process controls. A Six Sigma project uses a 5-step process called the DMAIC method to evaluate and improve processes. This is an eight (8) hour virtual training over a two-day period, (August 24 & 26, 2021). Registration is required for both sessions, with a fee of $99 for the Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification training. <strong> </strong> [mep_register url=""]
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Industry 4.0 Strategy Development and the New Normal

Spinnaker Venture Partners will be discussing Industry 4.0 Strategy Development and the New Normal for manufacturing. Join us to hear Spinnaker Venture Partners Managing Directors, Mark Roth and Gregg Bauer take you into the 4th Industrial Revolution for Manufacturing. [mep_register url=""]
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Business Continuity and Contingency Planning

<strong>MassMEP’s "Business Continuity and Contingency Planning”</strong> is designed for companies who are interested in the assistance of the development, implementation, and maintenance of a process to mitigate risk to business due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. COVID-19). The course will provide a company’s personnel with a) Training towards Risk Management, b) Establishing methods of risk mitigation with consideration towards personnel, customers, the supply chain, policies and procedures, and c) Instructions on establishing and implementing a Business Continuity and Contingency Plan. Employers instituting measures of assessing risk and thorough implementation of emergency preparedness and/or business continuity plan can help prevent disruptions to health, safety, and the supply chain by being able to answer: <ul> <li>How will this affect interested parties?</li> <li>What operations are effected?</li> <li>Who has the authority to communicate?</li> <li>When are the actions taken?</li> <li>Where operations can continue?</li> </ul> When an organization proactively plans to avoid and mitigate any risk associated with the disruption of its activities, the organization is better prepared to handle unforeseen challenges. Though not strictly pertaining to just coronavirus, a business continuity/contingency plan determines detailed steps to issue guidance on how to move forward by utilizing existing means of control, training, and management of operations when the risk has been established. This will assure interested parties (customers, vendors, etc.) that your organization is able to remove obstacles and have secondary methods to ensure product or service is uninterrupted. This 16-hour training course is designed for personnel at all levels of the organization. <strong>Topics include:</strong> <ul> <li>Risk Management Overview</li> <li>Risk Assessment</li> <li>Planning of Risk Mitigation Activities</li> <li>Human Resources</li> <li>Vendor Control</li> <li>Internal/External Communication Methods</li> <li>Work Environment</li> <li>Submission Requirements</li> </ul> [mep_register url=""]
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