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Attracting & Retaining the Z & Millennial Generations for Manufacturing Southeast, MA

<h5 class="p1">Customizable technical training with minimal impact to production!<a href=""><img class="wp-image-6252 alignright" src="" alt="" width="207" height="114" /></a></h5> <p class="p1">With millions of manufacturing workers expected to retire in the next few years, rapid changes in technology and record low unemployment, employers are discovering that they need to do something different to train the next generation of the workforce. Manufacturers need to leverage new learning and development systems to attract new workers, accelerate workforce training and retain tribal knowledge.</p> <p class="p1">In this session you will learn how:</p> <ul> <li class="p3">online learning aligns with how Millennials and Generation Z workers think</li> <li class="p3">MassMEP can customize Tooling U training programs and manage their administration</li> <li class="p3">the Workforce Training Fund Program may be able to offset some of the cost</li> </ul> About Tooling U-SME Tooling U-SME delivers versatile, competency-based learning and development solutions to the manufacturing community, working with more than half of all Fortune 500¨ manufacturing companies, as well as 600 educational institutions across the country. Tooling U-SME partners with customers to build high performers who help their companies drive quality, productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction. Working directly with hundreds of high schools, community colleges, and universities, Tooling U-SME is also able to help prepare the next generation workforce by providing industry-driven curriculum.   [mep_register url=""]
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ÔShine Bright!’ A Holiday Party with Women in Manufacturing of Massachusetts.

WiM Massachusetts invites you to our second annual <strong>ÔShine Bright!’ Holiday Party </strong>on<strong> </strong>Wednesday, December 4th, 2019. Join us to learn more about WiM, connect with our local WiM Massachusetts Chapter, and meet female/male professionals from a wide variety of area companies. There will be complimentary appetizers and beverages. Register today! <strong>Date: </strong>December 4, 2019 <strong>Time: </strong>6:00PM-8:00PM <strong>Location: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation </a>154 Moody St, Waltham, MA 02453 <strong>Pricing:</strong> WiM Members: $25.00 Non-members: $35.00   [mep_register url=""]
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Marketing & Sales Consortium Grant Info Session

<p class="p1"><b>MassMEP and The Greater Westfield Chamber</b> invite you to attend an information session regarding a collaborative Marketing and Sales 7-part training, fully grant funded, and with area businesses such as Mestek Inc. This consortium is designed to equip companies with the tools, tactics and plans needed to bring your company to the next level of sales and revenue. This offering is ideal for manufacturers looking to accelerate their sales growth.<a href=""><img class="wp-image-5218 size-medium alignright" src="" alt="" width="300" height="200" /></a></p> <p class="p1"><b>Join us at the information session to:</b></p> <ul> <li class="p3">Learn about the 7-part workshop included in the MassMEP’s Marketing & Sales training consortium</li> <li class="p3">Join Mestek in a collaborative to develop new markets, a marketing strategy, and branding materials, and to overhaul your lead generation process.</li> <li class="p3">Learn how MassMEP can help you prepare and apply for the training funds through the Workforce Training Fund’s General Grant Program for consortium</li> <li class="p3">Meet fellow Westfield Chamber Members</li> </ul> <p class="p1"><b>What is a consortium grant?</b></p> <p class="p1">A consortium grant provides small to medium size companies an approach to continuous improvement training and manufacturing skills development with minimal cost, time and administrative responsibilities.</p> <p class="p1"><b>Did you know?</b> Each year the Commonwealth of Massachusetts awards millions of dollars in grant money to Massachusetts businesses under the Workforce Training Fund Program (WTFP). Why not be one of the next companies?</p> [mep_register url=""]
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Manufacturing Summit & Excellence Awards

<h4>Manufacturing Summit & Excellence Awards<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-6460 alignright" src="" alt="" width="270" height="135" /></a></h4> <div class="calendar_desc_link"> <div class="calendar_subdetail"><strong>Date: </strong>April 18, 2019</div> <div class="calendar_subdetail"><strong>Time: </strong>3:00pm-6:30pm</div> <div class="calendar_subdetail"><strong>Location: </strong>College of the Holy Cross Hogan Campus Center One College Street, Worcester <strong>Single Ticket Rate: </strong>$45.00</div> </div> <div class="calendar_desc_link"> <div class="description_details"> <strong>#WBJManufacturing</strong> Worcester Business Journal is excited to produce our fourth annual Manufacturing Summit where we’ll tap a panel of experts to dig into top issues affecting manufacturers in our region. In addition, we’ll recognize some of the area’s top manufacturing firms with our annual Central Mass "Manufacturing Excellence Awards" ceremony and networking reception. Winners will be announced in our April 1st edition. <strong>2019 Summit Theme: </strong><strong>Finding ways to grow in the face of the manufacturing workforce challenge:<a href=""><img class=" wp-image-6461 alignright" src="" alt="" width="464" height="235" /></a></strong> Low unemployment, a horde of retiring baby boomers and demographic shifts in the workforce have all conspired to make it difficult for manufacturers to fill open positions. While this structural challenge is not unique to manufacturing and has been around for some time, companies around the state have been finding creative solutions to being more productive and finding ways to grow. We’ll explore some of the creative solutions that have been implemented and how they are working. <strong>Don’t miss this special event and the opportunity to network with industry leaders, and celebrate the 2019 Central Mass "Manufacturing Excellence Award” honorees - register today!</strong> <em>Stay tuned - additional speaker line-up coming soon!</em> </div>   </div> [mep_register url=""]
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Manufacturing Readiness Workshop – Partner Event: FORGE

Register to receive communications on workshop details going forward. The topic areas and dates are: November 7 – Planning for Scaling Manufacturing November 14 – Managing Development: Processes Needed to Move from Development to Commercialization November 21 – Funding Innovation from Idea to A-Round November 28 – Design for X: So Much More than Manufacturing While the workshops are most valuable as a series, feel free to register even if you may have a conflict with one of the dates. [mep_register url=""]
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Manufacturing Readiness Workshop – Partner Event: FORGE

Register to receive communications on workshop details going forward. The topic areas and dates are: November 7 – Planning for Scaling Manufacturing November 14 – Managing Development: Processes Needed to Move from Development to Commercialization November 21 – Funding Innovation from Idea to A-Round November 28 – Design for X: So Much More than Manufacturing While the workshops are most valuable as a series, feel free to register even if you may have a conflict with one of the dates. [mep_register url=""]
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Manufacturing Roundtable: “The Other Side of Automation”

Automation is without a doubt the way of the future in manufacturing. But automation is not just bringing in robots and machines to replace labor. It is about retaining good paying jobs and increasing efficiency in the workplace. Join the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce to hear from <strong>Todd Basque</strong>, an engineer from CryoXtract Instruments who has vast experience in consulting and working with manufacturing employers around Massachusetts, including many in Central Mass. Todd will provide his insight, including misconceptions about the benefits and drawbacks of automation, how automation enhances efficiency, and how it can be leveraged to positively impact workforce and employment. Also MassMEP's very own <strong>Ellen Ellsworth</strong>, Innovative Growth Services Director, joins them to talk about her experiences advising manufacturers around the state about preparing for future growth. Please register below! [mep_register url=""]
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4th Annual Virtual CMMC Summit – Partner Event: PreVeil

<p id="register">The DoD has made clear that CMMC will be in contracts by mid-late 2024. How are you preparing?</p> Join us for PreVeil’s <strong>4th Annual Virtual CMMC Summit</strong> on <strong>November 1st, 11am – 5:30 pm ET</strong> to hear from thought leaders from across the DoD and industry. Matt Travis (CEO of CMMC-AB), Dr. Ron Ross (author of NIST 800-171), Dr. Jyoti Malhotra (MEP Division Chief at NIST), DIBCAC officials, and C3PAOs will discuss: <ul> <li>CMMC timelines</li> <li>What C3PAOs will look for in an assessment of your organization</li> <li>Why Primes are putting increased compliance pressure on their subcontractors and how these organizations should react</li> <li>Free programs to help you with compliance</li> </ul> Attendance is free. So don’t miss this incredible opportunity to hear from industry leads + learn how to facilitate your compliance journey. <strong>Sign up today!</strong> <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-33734 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="300" height="123" /> [mep_register url=""]
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“Shine Bright” A Holiday Party – Partner Event: WiM Massachusetts

WiM Massachusetts invites you to our annual ÔShine Bright!’ Holiday Party on Wednesday, December 13th, 2023. Join us to learn more about WiM, connect with our local WiM Massachusetts Chapter, and meet female/male professionals from a wide variety of area companies. There will be complimentary appetizers and beverages. 6:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. | Guests arrive 6:15 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. | Enjoy Appetizers and Beverages 7:00 p.m. - 7:05 p.m. | Welcoming Remarks from Wendy Dalwin and Bonnie Perkins 7:05 p.m. - 7:20 p.m. | Guest speaker- Andrea Pion, VP of National Client Programs, Davis companies 7:20 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. | Networking Location: Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation 154 Moody Street Waltham, Massachusetts 02453 Cost to Attend: WiM Member = $20 Nonmember = $30 [mep_register url=""]
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The Transition to a Clean Energy Future – Partner Event: AIM

On September 1, 2023, each investor-owned electric distribution company operating in Massachusetts was required to submit individual Electric Sector Modernization Plans (ESMPs) under the landmark 2022 climate and energy law. ESMPs are meant to allow the utilities to look out towards 2050, with the goal of achieving Net Zero, to determine what infrastructure will be necessary. As a first step in the review process, each ESMP was submitted to the statutorily-created Grid Modernization Advisory Council (GMAC), which will have until Monday, November 20, 2023 to review the entire proposals and to provide feedback. After nearly a year of development, National Grid has filed their ESMP – known as "Future Grid” – which proposes historic investments aimed at achieving the Commonwealth’s ambitious 2050 net-zero emissions goal. Future Grid provides a roadmap for the electrification of transportation and heating, and the integration of renewable and distributed resources. The plan also seeks to build resilience in the face of a changing climate and more extreme weather. Specifically, the plans proposed investments in distribution infrastructure over the 5-and-10-year horizons as well as an assessment of expected electric demand growth and needs through 2050. We know that implementing this plan is both challenging and exciting. And we know that we can’t do it alone. Through the ESMP process, National Grid has engaged with hundreds of stakeholders across the Commonwealth, including government officials, municipalities, environmental and environmental justice advocates, nonprofit groups, business associations and labor representatives. We look forward to building upon these relationships, and to working with you, as we transition to a clean energy future. Join Nicola Medalova, Chief Operating Officer of Electric for National Grid in New England, state and local policymakers, as well as business leaders, to learn more about Future Grid and how the transition to a reliable and resilient clean energy future will impact the Commonwealth’s business community. 8:00am - 8:30am: Breakfast and Networking 8:30am - 10:00am: Keynote and Panel Discussion [mep_register url="{E83EFA14-3552-EE11-BE6F-000D3A578D5D}"]
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