Industry Industry


Building a Successful Lean Team – Online SBDAP

<h5>Building a Successful Lean Team</h5> <h5>June 16, 18, 23 & 25</h5> <h5>9:00am - 11:00am</h5> <strong>Training Description: </strong>Working in teams is one of the cornerstones of continuous improvement and lean manufacturing implementation methodologies. During this unprecedented time of COVID-19, this is even more challenging as many of us are working remotely.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>It is critical that the people who are members of teams in your organization work effectively and successfully together to accomplish their charters and goals. Research has revealed that successful teams have certain characteristics and utilize certain techniques and methods that enable them to be effective. This training course provides the knowledge of these characteristics, techniques, and methods; and also the know-how for you to be able to form and nurture successful work teams in your organization. <strong>Skill Attainment:</strong> Employees will learn how to develop a team by first Identifying and developing a shared common purpose, they will learn how to create shared operational values, how to establish acceptable team behaviors, how to conduct an effective team meeting, how to confront and resolve conflict on the team, the importance of celebrating and rewarding accomplishments, and most importantly they will understand the critical role of Team leader/facilitator. The transferable skills learned will enable employees to create the Mission Essential Task List (METL) to ensure the Quality and Productivity goals are measured on a daily basis.   [mep_register url=""]
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Value Stream Mapping – Small Business Direct Access (SBDAP)

<h4>Online Value Stream Mapping</h4> <h4>June 8 - 11, 2020</h4> <h4>9:00am - 11:00am</h4> A value stream map is a standardized model used to layout the stream of value adding activities in a process while overlaying material flow, information flow, and non-value adding waste information to provide a qualitative picture of the actual process in a facility. This tool also maps the information flow from the customer, through the enterprise to suppliers and back to customers. It provides a common language for discussing any process. It provides a means to tie together lean concepts and techniques and a method to develop a working blueprint for implementing lean concepts on the shop floor. It is an excellent method for describing what is actually taking place now on the shop floor and what a company wants it to look like in the future state. It takes an enterprise systematically from its current state of operations to a dramatically improved future state – a Lean Enterprise.   [mep_register url=""]
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