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Robotics in Manufacturing

<h4>Robotics in Manufacturing</h4> <strong>October 14 @ 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm EDT</strong> We believe technology can help power U.S. manufacturers to be competitive throughout the world. The purpose of this event is to highlight some of the challenges that our manufactures face, raise the awareness of some of the latest robotic enabling technologies that are available, and most importantly encourage an exchange of ideas to help drive solutions. This Semi-Virtual event will host in-person presentations at MassRobotics and will be broadcast via this GoToWebinar link. Agenda: Welcome & Introduction – MassRobotics / MassMEP Robotics and Manufacturing Trends – Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute Massachusetts Manufacturing: Challenges ¥ Vibram, Pelican, Davico Automation/Robotic Manufacturing Success Story - Cheer Pack ~ BREAK ~ (20 min) Applications of Industrial and Collaborative arms in manufacturing, use cases, future needs – Mitsubishi Electric (MEAU) <strong>Latest in Technology:</strong> <strong>Tech Talks from Startups with solutions ¥ Southie Autonomy, FringeAI, Scalable Robotics, Realbotics, RasLabs, Ubrios, Ascend Robotics, Ava Robotics, MachineMetrics, Tulip</strong> [mep_register url=""]
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Supply Chain Trends for Startups

    <div class="g-group l-lg-mar-bot-6 l-md-mar-bot-4 "> <div class="g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <div class="has-user-generated-content js-d-read-more read-more js-read-more read-more--medium-down read-more--expanded" data-xd-wired="read-more"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-toggle-view read-more__toggle-view"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-contents text-body-medium" style="text-align: center" data-automation="listing-event-description"> <img class="alignnone wp-image-14027" src="" alt="" width="743" height="364" /> <div class="g-group l-lg-mar-bot-6 l-md-mar-bot-4 "> <div class="g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <div class="has-user-generated-content js-d-read-more read-more js-read-more read-more--medium-down read-more--expanded" data-xd-wired="read-more"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-toggle-view read-more__toggle-view"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-contents text-body-medium" data-automation="listing-event-description"><strong>This is an opportunity to learn about manufacturing and supply chain trends so that you can position your startup for future success.</strong></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-group l-mar-bot-6 l-sm-mar-bot-4"> <div class="structured-content g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <h2 class="text-body-large hide-small">About this Event</h2> <div class="has-user-generated-content" data-automation="about-this-event-sc"> <div class="structured-content-rich-text structured-content__module l-align-left l-mar-vert-6 l-sm-mar-vert-4 text-body-medium"> <p style="text-align: left">Among the countless disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain risks can be daunting to assess and seem out of your startups' control. It is increasingly important to develop an understanding of current trends in the supply chain, what is predicted to come, and how your startup can best plan for the future.</p> <p style="text-align: left">Please join FORGE on Thursday, August 20 from 10 am - 11 am as we welcome Tom Andrellos of the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership to discuss strategy, analytics, risk management, and opportunities to prepare for the ripple effects of COVID-19 on your supply chain.</p> <p style="text-align: left">Tom Andrellos is the Director of Growth Services for MassMEP. He has over 32 years in senior-level positions with High Tech manufacturing, global supply chain, and business operations. Tom has successfully developed business plans, specific program strategies, and operating approaches that deploy grant funding across Massachusetts.</p> <p style="text-align: left">Previous FORGE events in our "Supply Chain in a Pandemic” series have focused on sharing experiences and lessons learned with startup peers and actionable frameworks that your team can leverage to assess and mitigate risk in your supply chain. This event will focus on providing the context of what is happening at the manufacturing level, and what may come in the coming months and years so that you can best plan ahead and position your startup for continued growth and success.</p> <p style="text-align: left">This one-hour, interactive session is open to any and all startups with physical products or components and will be moderated by Anya Losik, Program Manager at FORGE.</p> <p style="text-align: left">NOTE: By registering, I consent that this virtual event may be recorded, and my photograph and/or screenshot may be published in promotional materials, web and social media posts, and other public-facing FORGE content.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>   <p style="text-align: center">[mep_register url=""]</p>
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Industry 4.0 Consortium Grant Info Session

<strong>Industry 4.0 Consortium Grant Info Session</strong> <strong>September 2 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm EDT</strong> <strong>MassMEP, along with Spinnaker Venture Partners, MachineMetrics, Axis New England, and DesignPoint,</strong> invites you to attend an information session about a fully grant-funded collaborative Industry 4.0 training program. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the digital transformation of traditional manufacturing operations to achieve next-level productivity gains. This consortium is designed to equip companies with strategies, tools, and tactics to leverage smart manufacturing principles and technologies with measurable impact. <strong>Join us to learn more about these Building Blocks of Industry 4.0:</strong> <ul> <li>Developing a Business Strategy Roadmap for Industry 4.0 (Spinnaker)</li> <li>Harnessing Machine Data for Shop Floor Optimization (MachineMetrics)</li> <li>Increasing Throughput with Automation and Robotics (Axis New England)</li> <li>3D Printing for Rapid Prototyping, Tooling and Customization (DesignPoint)</li> <li>Strategic Funding Opportunities through the Workforce Training Fund Program (MassMEP)</li> </ul> <strong>What is a consortium grant?</strong> A consortium grant provides small to medium size companies an approach to training and manufacturing skills development with minimal cost and time, and MassMEP will facilitate all administrative responsibilities. <strong>Did you know?</strong> Each year, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts awards millions of dollars in grant money to Massachusetts businesses under the Workforce Training Fund Program (WTFP). Why not be one of the next companies? [mep_register url=""]
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Industry 4.0 Machine Metrics IoT

<strong>Industry 4.0 Machine Metrics IoT</strong> <strong>September 30 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT</strong> <strong>MassMEP, along with partner MachineMetrics</strong> invites you to attend an information session about a fully grant-funded collaborative Industry 4.0 training program on the IoT. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the digital transformation of traditional manufacturing operations to achieve next-level productivity gains. <p class="p1"><span class="s1">IoT initiatives drive significant manufacturing improvement by providing real-time and historical insight into what’s actually happening on the shop floor. In many manufacturing facilities, although the equipment produces useful data it lacks connection to a data collection or visualization system. </span>The MachineMetrics Industrial IoT Platform provides an easy to implement a solution for connecting to and capturing data from any piece of discrete manufacturing equipment regardless of brand or age. The platform then feeds this data back to the plant and other consumers within the manufacturing lifecycle in ways that drive value and continuous improvement.</p> <p class="p1">Within this training, MachineMetrics will provide our technology platform and training workshops to demonstrate the ability to connect, collect, transform, and analyze data from your shop floor equipment. This training will enable your organization to begin to answer questions such as "What is happening and why?” Training will focus on using the platform, understanding your machine utilization & capacity, downtime analysis, validating job standards, and escalating data to the right person using automated notifications.</p>   <strong>Machine Metrics<img class=" wp-image-14393 alignleft" src="" alt="" width="330" height="66" /></strong> Accelerating your factory's digital transformation with MachineMetrics' intuitive and flexible Industrial IoT platform. Easily collect data from any piece of manufacturing equipment and transform it into powerful, actionable applications that reduce machine downtime, increase your throughput, and drive profitability. [mep_register url=""]
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Tax Incentives for Real Estate Expansion Projects for Manufacturers During the Pandemic and Beyond

<strong>Tax Incentives for Real Estate Expansion Projects </strong> <strong>During the Pandemic and Beyond </strong> As many Massachusetts businesses re-open, manufacturing companies that have expansion plans may benefit from a variety of state and local tax incentives. Whether a company plans to renovate an existing facility, relocate, construct a new facility, or create or retain jobs, there are available resources that can help to reduce the cost associated with a real estate investment. By leveraging tax incentives, companies can save thousands – or even millions – of dollars. These incentives can benefit both public and privately-owned companies in growing sectors such as life sciences, manufacturing, technology, and distribution. In this webinar, Lynn Tokarczyk, government tax incentives consultant and president of Business Development Strategies, Inc., will discuss how to identify, negotiate, and secure valuable government tax incentives, including: <ul> <li>State Tax Credits</li> <li>State Abandoned Building Tax Deductions</li> <li>Municipal Tax Increment Financing (TIF)</li> <li>Municipal Personal Property Tax Relief</li> <li>Special Tax Assessment (STA)</li> </ul> [mep_register url=""]   Presented By: <strong>Lynn Tokarczyk</strong> <strong>Government Incentives Consultant</strong> <strong>Business Development Strategies, Inc.</strong> <strong> </strong><a href="">Business Development Strategies, Inc.,</a> (BDS) is a leading government incentives consulting firm in Massachusetts. Celebrating 17 years of success, BDS has helped growing companies in Massachusetts identify, negotiate and secure state tax credits, Tax Increment Financing (TIFs), and other state and local tax incentives that stimulate business investment and job creation. BDS founder and President Lynn Tokarczyk is a former regional director of the Massachusetts Office of Business Development, and senior manager for Ernst & Young’s State and Local Tax Incentives Practice. The BDS team has assisted more than 100 companies in saving over $100 million in state and local taxes since its 2003 founding. BDS’s roster of clients includes many publicly-held and privately-owned companies in life sciences, technology, manufacturing and distribution, and other sectors, such as TripAdvisor, Keurig, New England Ice Cream, IPG Photonics, Analog Devices, Waters Corporation, Primetals, and Vicor.
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Team Involvement Problem Solving (TIPS) – Online SBDAP

<h5>Team Involvement Problem Solving</h5> <h5>September 21, 23, 25, 2020</h5> <h5>9:00am - 12:00pm</h5> <strong>Training Description:</strong> Problem Solving for Lean is an eight-hour course that teaches a structured, team-based, root cause-oriented problem-solving process that supports the elimination of impediments to process flow. This highly interactive course leads participants through an understanding of problem-solving skills and tools such as creative/divergent thinking, consensus decision making for convergent thinking, data collection and analysis, and tools for planning actions. An eight-step problem-solving process with associated guidelines for executing each step is presented. Problem-solving meeting facilitation is covered. The workshop concludes with a problem-solving practice exercise in a team setting. <strong>Training Objective:</strong> This training will provide a cross-functional groups of employees with an 8 step process for quickly resolving problems with a consensus-driven approach that puts permanent corrective actions in place. Problem-solving can be used in the office as well as the production and supporting departments. The trainees will have the opportunity to demonstrate the outcomes of a problem-solving process they participated in using the various tools learned in the training. In this training, we expect to address specific measures of success relating to productivity and sales. <strong>Skill Attainment:</strong> Problem Solving Training skills that will be transferred: ¥ Learn how to be part of a team-based approach involving those closest to a particular process ¥ Understand and use techniques for generating creative ideas ¥ Capability to facilitate consensus decision making ¥ Use and facilitate a structured eight-step problem-solving model Utilize interactive skills and facilitation techniques that support effective team-based problem solving [mep_register url=""]
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Navigating the Pandemic Training SBDAP

<h4>Navigating the Pandemic Training SBDAP</h4> August, 25 & 27 September 1 & 3, 2020 8:00 am -11:00 am <strong>I Didn’t Know I Needed to Do All!</strong> If you could have a safety consultant walk you through the development of your pandemic control plan and answer your specific question, would you? If you said yes, you need to listen to this webinar that explains two funding source options for your company to get a significant discount or in one case for free. We will help you navigate through all of the changes you will need to make in your business in order to keep your employees and business safe and healthy. <strong>Training Objective:</strong> Training will be focused on the process(es) that make up all critical business operations that need to be changed and modified during a pandemic. Participants will map out those sequences and identify areas of risk and vulnerability to the organization’s ability to remain open and viable during a pandemic. Developing new strategies, find resources, and creating a new process to manage and abate the impact from a pandemic will be clearly defined and developed within this focus group. In addition, this group of participants will draft all processes for each segment of critical business operations for evaluation, testing, and revision before implementation. <strong> </strong> <strong>Increase the confidence of the workforce, vendors, and customers.</strong> This focused initiative assures all parties that you have a strong business continuity plan and a focused response to the health and safety of everyone. <strong>Manage cost control. </strong>This program identifies and creates processes for managing costs and losses. You will have a strong supply chain process, qualified vendor relationships, a resource map for versatility, and a quick response. This decreases employee absenteeism, maintains a healthy inventory, and finds other funding sources. <strong>Use evidence-based decision making.</strong> By ensuring that you are using accurate data to make your decisions on what to improve, you can greatly increase the chances that your improvements will be successful the first time, rather than having several unsuccessful attempts. By using this data to track your progress, you can correct these improvement initiatives before they go "off the rails,” which can save costs and time. <strong>Engage your people.</strong> By engaging your employees, you work toward 100% participation in managing safety and health in the workplace. <ul> <li>enhanced leadership involvement and worker participation</li> <li>risk-based thinking</li> <li>alignment the pandemic policy with the safety and health culture of the organization</li> <li>be able to accommodate diverse geographical, cultural and social conditions</li> </ul>   <strong>Skill Attainment: </strong> <ul> <li>Participants will learn to master the hierarchy of controls method for making decisions during a pandemic. This process guides participants in decisions, options, and outcomes in order to drive and maintain improvements within the processes.</li> <li>They will learn what risk-based thinking looks like and how to apply it</li> <li>They will create a set of language, terms, and definitions for effective communication</li> <li>They will be able to assess, inspect and evaluate a process using the hierarchy of controls method</li> <li>They will create and manage new roles and responsibilities during a pandemic</li> <li>They will use the hierarchy of controls method to draft processes for critical business operations.</li> <li>Peer edit and review each group work</li> </ul> <strong> </strong> <strong> </strong> [mep_register url=""]
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The ABC’s of Returning Safely to Work

<h4>THIS IS A 5 WEEK SERIES</h4> <strong>Webinar #5 – 30 minutes </strong> <strong>I Didn’t Know I Needed to Do All of That to Disinfect and Clean Safely? </strong> Using OSHA, CDC, EPA and FDA to make changes to your housekeeping process to include trash, sanitation, laundry and disinfecting, HazCom Policy, Hazardous Chemicals, personal protective equipment use and training. We will answer questions like; Do I need N95 respirators? Will a cloth mask work? Handwashing vs. Antibacterial agents? Do I need a flammable storage cabinet for hand sanitizer and isopropyl alcohol? How do I get an EPA approved disinfectant for COVID-19? Where can I buy PPE?   <strong> </strong> <strong> </strong> [mep_register url=""]
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Battling COVID-19 – Cobots Can Lend a Hand

<div class="header" data-view="registration/header/header" data-active-view="true"> <div class="branding-image" data-bind="visible:getBrandingInfo().logoImageUrl()"><img id="logoImage" class="img-responsive aligncenter" src="" data-bind="attr:{src:getBrandingInfo().logoImageUrl()}" /></div> <h1 class="word-wrap-break" data-bind="style:{color:getBrandingInfo().selectedHeaderColor}, text:getWebinarInfo().subject">Battling COVID-19 - Cobots Can Lend a Hand, Presented by MassMEP and Axis New England</h1> </div> <div class="trainingTimesBox clearfix" data-bind="visible:!webinarTimesVM().allSessionsOver()"> <div data-view="registration/body/body.webinarTimes" data-active-view="true"> <hr /> <div class="row col-md-12"> <ol id="training-times" class="trainingTimes" data-bind="'foreach':webinarTimesVM().webinarSessions()"> <li class="next" data-bind="'text':$data.getStartAndEndDate(), style:{'display': $parent.webinarTimesVM().showAllList() ? 'list-item' : ''}, css:{'past':past && !$data.inSession, 'next':next, 'future':future, 'far-future':farFuture}">Wed, Apr 22, 2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT</li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> <div data-bind="visible:getWebinarInfo().description" data-view="registration/body/body.description" data-active-view="true"> <hr /> <div class="description trainingDescription"> <div class="clearfix"><img id="customThemeImage" class="customImage alignright" src="" data-bind="attr:{src:getBrandingInfo().themeImageUrl}" /><span class="registration-description" data-bind="expander:{'expandText': moreButtonText(), 'userCollapseText': lessButtonText(), 'text':getWebinarInfo().description}">Learn more about automation with collaborative robots and how this new technology can help you make an immediate impact. You will see hands-on demonstrations and learn about: - Universal Robots collaborative robot technology - Plug-and-play accessories for rapid deployment - How to program a pick and place application - How to use pallet grids, force control, and vision guidance - Successful application examples - How to get started with your application</span></div> </div> </div> [mep_register url=""]
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