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Massachusetts Manufacturers At Your Request – Agile and DFM: Module 2

<img class="wp-image-25022 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="540" height="540" /> <a href="">DFMWorkshops (2)</a> The past two years have taught us the endurance and tenacity of Manufacturing in MA. As part of that, the top two subjects Massachusetts manufacturers are looking for more insight with hands on training are, Agile & DFM. MassMEP offers a two part module workshop designed for the Massachusetts Manufacturing Industry. <strong>Module two of the series:</strong> Design for Manufacturability, DFM, the benefits of different manufacturing processes and the effect of cost based on the manufacturing process and tooling consideration. The Value Engineering Methodology evaluates the different manufacturing processes, tooling consideration and labor content to establish overall cost to decide on the most economical overall price. <em><strong>Please note this is One Module that is a two-day training module for each topic. That being written, this workshop requires both days in both modules are to be completed for the full training package. As an attendee you will need to schedule time to attend the training over the four day, eight-hour training time. Example: I will be in training for Agile, May 19th & 26th and in training for DFM, June 9th & 16th.</strong></em> Please note that it is strongly recommended that you participate in both of these modules to receive the full package of the training. [mep_register url=""]
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Front Line Supervisor Training Info Session

<img class="wp-image-24783 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="346" height="345" />   This will be an hour-long info session introducing the training for Front Line Supervisor which is designed to provide both awareness and education through classroom and actual "hands-on” exercises in the work environment with an emphasis on the Scientific Method of problem-solving, team building, and conflict resolution. Also being discussed is the funding available to companies to be a part of the training. <strong>Takeaways:</strong> <ul> <li>Registered apprenticeship (company will become a "co-sponsor” with MassMEP)</li> <li>Qualifies for MA Registered Apprentice Tax Credit ($4,800/apprentice)</li> <li>Funding support available through the Workforce Training Fund</li> </ul> <strong>Who Should Attend:</strong> Supervisors and Work Leaders that are responsible for and coordinate the activities of production workers, such as inspectors, machine setters, assemblers, fabricators, and maintenance.   [mep_register url=""]
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Securing the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Cybersecurity and Manufacturing

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-21787" src="" alt="" width="180" height="90" /> Artificial intelligence, advanced analytics, smart sensors and cloud computing are driving today's cutting-edge manufacturing and industrial processes. IT security, integrity and reliability play an integral role in the success of advanced manufacturing. Hear from IT leaders, industry experts and manufacturers about strategies on security, threats, planning, testing and compliance that meet at the intersection of manufacturing and cybersecurity. [mep_register url=""]
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Manufacturing Day

<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-21602" src="" alt="" width="300" height="300" /> Join MassMEP and the Manufacturers in Massachusetts as we celebrate #MFGDay21! Click into each event listed in the day for specific details!
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2021 Manufacturing Caucus Awards

This will be the 6th annual Manufacturing awards ceremony hosted by the legislatures manufacturing caucus. Representative Jeffrey N. Roy and Senator Eric Lesser will be presenting the awards September 28th. [mep_register url=""]
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The 17th Annual Northeast Lean Conference

GBMP has selected its theme for 2021 Northeast LEAN Conference, "<strong>Getting Back to the Future</strong>.” Back to focusing on people, back to strategic thinking and back to an innovative workplace inspired by lessons learned from the coronavirus. [mep_register url=""]
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Lever’s 2021 Innovation Summit

<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-21369" src="" alt="" width="300" height="106" /> <strong>Themes</strong> <ul> <li>Innovating Workforce Development</li> <li>Innovating from Within: the Intrapreneur</li> <li>Innovating for Inclusion</li> </ul> <strong>To participate:</strong> The entire program will be hybrid format: folks may participate in person, via Zoom, or both. [mep_register url=""]
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Lever’s 2021 Innovation Summit

<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-21369" src="" alt="" width="300" height="106" /> This is Lever’s second, biennial Innovation Summit. Our first summit, held in Williamstown, Massachusetts in 2019, featured the conclusion of Lever’s 2019 Berkshire Intrapreneur Challenge, presentations from regional innovators, a panel discussion featuring regional innovation centers, and keynote talks by Carlo Zaffanella from General Dynamics, and by Steve Case, founder of America Online. More than 250 people participated in the two-day program. <strong>Themes</strong> <ul> <li>Innovating Workforce Development</li> <li>Innovating from Within: the Intrapreneur</li> <li>Innovating for Inclusion</li> </ul> <strong>To participate:</strong> The entire program will be hybrid format: folks may participate in person, via Zoom, or both. [mep_register url=""]
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Cybersecurity & CMMC: Weapons against Cyberattacks

In the current climate cyberattacks are at an all time high and manufacturers need ways to help keep them ahead of these risks. Clients are also putting cybersecurity as one of their top audit items in their B to B environment. Join MassMEP as Synagex and Cybersaint will present ways to weaponize manufacturers against these cyberattacks, stay in compliance as a DoD supplier, and educate themselves and their teams with a minimal to no-cash flow obligation. [mep_register url=""]
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Market, Recruit and Retain the Manufacturing Workforce

In this webinar the focus will be on different marketing and recruitment strategies in order to continuously build on the manufacturing workforce and gain new employees. The panel will host guest speakers; Deanna Zarella (AIS, Inc.), Chris Ciunci (Tribal Vision), Andrea Pion (The Davis Companies) and Jeff Turgeon (MassHire) to discuss their strategies on how to retain and recruit employees in the current climate. [mep_register url=""]
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