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The Future of Manufacturing Symposium to Feature Emerging Technologies from Manufacturing USA Institutes

The Future of Manufacturing Symposium to Feature
Emerging Technologies from Manufacturing USA Institutes

Guest speakers: Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito; Dean Kamen, ARMI | BioFab USA; Tracy Frost, DoD
Thursday, October 4, 2018, 8:00am to 1:30pm
DCU Center, Worcester, MA

Worcester, MA – MassMEP, the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership, is pleased to announce The Future of Manufacturing Symposium, the first regional event that showcases the emerging technologies being developed by the Manufacturing USA Institutes. Manufacturing USA is a network of 14 research institutes in the U.S. focused on developing specialized advanced manufacturing technologies. The Symposium is designed for manufacturing executives, R&D managers, and educators who are looking to create new opportunities based on new technologies in such areas as robotics, photonics, biofabrication, cybersecurity, and more. The Symposium will be held on Thursday, October 4, 2018, 8:00am to 1:30pm at the DCU Center in Worcester, MA.

The Future of Manufacturing Symposium will start with an address by MassMEP President and CEO John Killam. Confirmed keynote speakers include:

• Massachusetts Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. The Lt. Governor has traveled extensively across the state, working with people on issues related to living and working. She is also co-chair of the STEM Advisory Council, where she works hard to ensure that all students have access to comprehensive Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education and are inspired and prepared for careers in STEM fields.
• Tracy Frost, Director of DoD Manufacturing Technology (ManTech). ManTech is the Defense Department’s investment mechanism for staying at the forefront of defense-essential manufacturing capability. Frost also leads the DoD’s Manufacturing USA Institutes.
• Dean Kaman, inventor, entrepreneur, and founder of FIRST. Kamen serves as Executive Director the ARMI | BioFab USA Manufacturing USA institute and is President of DEKA Research & Development Corporation.
• U.S. Secretary of Labor R. Alexander Acosta. Secretary Acosta was named to the list of 100 most influential individuals in business ethics in 2008 and has served in three presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed positions.

The Future of Manufacturing Symposium will also include special workshops featuring panel discussions by program managers from the Institutes. Topics include: exploring the future manufacturing needs of emerging technologies; repurposing existing technologies to advance the mission of the Manufacturing USA Institutes; preparing for the future of manufacturing: collaboration, workforce development, and new technologies; as well as cybersecurity and protecting today’s manufacturing organization.

Breakout sessions will provide a more in-depth look at the following Manufacturing USA Institutes:
Advanced Fabrics and Textiles (AFFOA)
Integrated Photonics (PHOTONICS)
Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM)
Flexible Hybrid Electronics (NEXTFLEX)
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing (NIIMBL)
Biofabrication (ARMI)
Cybersecurity Regulations

A detailed list of speakers and biographies can be found at

For more information and to register, visit:

The Future of Manufacturing Symposium is held in coordination with the WPI/QCC Integrated Photonics Symposium, hosted by WPI on October 3, 2018. For more information, click here.

About MassMEP
Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP), part of the NIST MEP National Network, is a leading resource for manufacturing companies that believes in cultivating a community built on support, idea sharing, and achievement. MassMEP creates economic impact by transforming manufacturing enterprises and the manufacturing ecosystem. This is achieved through the delivery of operational excellence programs, workforce development strategies, and innovative growth initiatives, and enhanced by strategic public/private relationships. For more information, visit

About Manufacturing USA Institutes
Launched in 2012, Manufacturing USA (formerly the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, NNMI) is a network of 14 research institutes in the United States. Each institute is focused on developing specialized advanced manufacturing technology. Within each institute, manufacturers of all sizes partner with academia and government to share manufacturing technology and workforce challenges, and to build a robust R&D infrastructure. The Manufacturing USA network is operated by the interagency Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO), which is headquartered in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in the U.S. Department of Commerce. To learn more, visit

© 2018, MassMEP, Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership.

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