Industry Industry


Supply Chain Trends for Startups

    <div class="g-group l-lg-mar-bot-6 l-md-mar-bot-4 "> <div class="g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <div class="has-user-generated-content js-d-read-more read-more js-read-more read-more--medium-down read-more--expanded" data-xd-wired="read-more"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-toggle-view read-more__toggle-view"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-contents text-body-medium" style="text-align: center" data-automation="listing-event-description"> <img class="alignnone wp-image-14027" src="" alt="" width="743" height="364" /> <div class="g-group l-lg-mar-bot-6 l-md-mar-bot-4 "> <div class="g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <div class="has-user-generated-content js-d-read-more read-more js-read-more read-more--medium-down read-more--expanded" data-xd-wired="read-more"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-toggle-view read-more__toggle-view"> <div class="js-xd-read-more-contents text-body-medium" data-automation="listing-event-description"><strong>This is an opportunity to learn about manufacturing and supply chain trends so that you can position your startup for future success.</strong></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-group l-mar-bot-6 l-sm-mar-bot-4"> <div class="structured-content g-cell g-cell-10-12 g-cell-md-1-1"> <h2 class="text-body-large hide-small">About this Event</h2> <div class="has-user-generated-content" data-automation="about-this-event-sc"> <div class="structured-content-rich-text structured-content__module l-align-left l-mar-vert-6 l-sm-mar-vert-4 text-body-medium"> <p style="text-align: left">Among the countless disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain risks can be daunting to assess and seem out of your startups' control. It is increasingly important to develop an understanding of current trends in the supply chain, what is predicted to come, and how your startup can best plan for the future.</p> <p style="text-align: left">Please join FORGE on Thursday, August 20 from 10 am - 11 am as we welcome Tom Andrellos of the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership to discuss strategy, analytics, risk management, and opportunities to prepare for the ripple effects of COVID-19 on your supply chain.</p> <p style="text-align: left">Tom Andrellos is the Director of Growth Services for MassMEP. He has over 32 years in senior-level positions with High Tech manufacturing, global supply chain, and business operations. Tom has successfully developed business plans, specific program strategies, and operating approaches that deploy grant funding across Massachusetts.</p> <p style="text-align: left">Previous FORGE events in our "Supply Chain in a Pandemic” series have focused on sharing experiences and lessons learned with startup peers and actionable frameworks that your team can leverage to assess and mitigate risk in your supply chain. This event will focus on providing the context of what is happening at the manufacturing level, and what may come in the coming months and years so that you can best plan ahead and position your startup for continued growth and success.</p> <p style="text-align: left">This one-hour, interactive session is open to any and all startups with physical products or components and will be moderated by Anya Losik, Program Manager at FORGE.</p> <p style="text-align: left">NOTE: By registering, I consent that this virtual event may be recorded, and my photograph and/or screenshot may be published in promotional materials, web and social media posts, and other public-facing FORGE content.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>   <p style="text-align: center">[mep_register url=""]</p>
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Team Involvement Problem Solving (TIPS) – Online SBDAP

<h5>Team Involvement Problem Solving</h5> <h5>September 21, 23, 25, 2020</h5> <h5>9:00am - 12:00pm</h5> <strong>Training Description:</strong> Problem Solving for Lean is an eight-hour course that teaches a structured, team-based, root cause-oriented problem-solving process that supports the elimination of impediments to process flow. This highly interactive course leads participants through an understanding of problem-solving skills and tools such as creative/divergent thinking, consensus decision making for convergent thinking, data collection and analysis, and tools for planning actions. An eight-step problem-solving process with associated guidelines for executing each step is presented. Problem-solving meeting facilitation is covered. The workshop concludes with a problem-solving practice exercise in a team setting. <strong>Training Objective:</strong> This training will provide a cross-functional groups of employees with an 8 step process for quickly resolving problems with a consensus-driven approach that puts permanent corrective actions in place. Problem-solving can be used in the office as well as the production and supporting departments. The trainees will have the opportunity to demonstrate the outcomes of a problem-solving process they participated in using the various tools learned in the training. In this training, we expect to address specific measures of success relating to productivity and sales. <strong>Skill Attainment:</strong> Problem Solving Training skills that will be transferred: ¥ Learn how to be part of a team-based approach involving those closest to a particular process ¥ Understand and use techniques for generating creative ideas ¥ Capability to facilitate consensus decision making ¥ Use and facilitate a structured eight-step problem-solving model Utilize interactive skills and facilitation techniques that support effective team-based problem solving [mep_register url=""]
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The ABC’s of Returning Safely to Work

<h4>THIS IS A 5 WEEK SERIES</h4> <strong>Webinar #5 – 30 minutes </strong> <strong>I Didn’t Know I Needed to Do All of That to Disinfect and Clean Safely? </strong> Using OSHA, CDC, EPA and FDA to make changes to your housekeeping process to include trash, sanitation, laundry and disinfecting, HazCom Policy, Hazardous Chemicals, personal protective equipment use and training. We will answer questions like; Do I need N95 respirators? Will a cloth mask work? Handwashing vs. Antibacterial agents? Do I need a flammable storage cabinet for hand sanitizer and isopropyl alcohol? How do I get an EPA approved disinfectant for COVID-19? Where can I buy PPE?   <strong> </strong> <strong> </strong> [mep_register url=""]
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Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Lunch & Learn

<p class="p1">Manufacturers in the DoD supply chain are required to have adequate information security measures in place to protect Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). Starting in 2020, independent auditors will be assessing manufacturers' security posture, which will determine which contracts they can bid. This session will provide an overview of these requirements and the various options available to ensure compliance with them.</p> [mep_register url=""]   <pre class="p1">This communication was prepared under contract with the State of Vermont, as fiscal agent for the New England Collaborative, with financial support from the Office of Economic Adjustment, Department of Defense. The content reflects the views of the New England Collaborative and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Economic Adjustment, the U.S. Department of Defense, or the participating states.</pre>
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