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Navigating the Pandemic Workforce Training Grant Funds Available

<strong>I Didn’t Know I Needed to Do All!</strong> If you could have a safety consultant walk you through the development of your pandemic control plan and answer your specific question, would you? If you said yes, you need to listen to this webinar that explains two funding source options for your company to get a significant discount or in one case for free. We will help you navigate through all of the changes you will need to make in your business in order to keep your employees and business safe and healthy. <strong>MassMEP</strong> will help your company prepare and apply for training funds through the Workforce Training Fund’s Express & General Grant program. <strong>Our experts will guide you through the application process.</strong> <strong> </strong><strong>Specific topics covered in this workshop include:</strong> <ul> <li><strong>Develop a Training Plan</strong></li> <li><strong>Establish Training Objectives</strong></li> <li><strong>Identify Key Performance Indicators</strong></li> </ul> <strong> </strong> <strong> </strong> [mep_register url=""]
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Lean Six Sigma Webinar

<h5>Is lean six sigma the right choice for your company?</h5> If your company struggles with high variability/scrap, recurring issues or inefficient business processes Lean Six Sigma could be the solution you have been searching for. Lean Six Sigma certifications contain proven methods to minimize waste and reduce costs. Learn the power behind DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. You don't need to be a math wizard or statistician. Using the Keep It Simple Statistically approach (KISS) and the proven roadmap for choosing the "RIGHT" projects, key business results can be achieved. Participants will learn to identify and lead both projects and other team members to increase their contribution and value to the organization. Organizations will see quality and productivity results along with workforce development and employee engagement. Through deployment of a Lean Six Sigma program participants will learn: <ul> <li style="list-style-type: none"> <ul> <li>Critical thinking</li> <li>Gain improved process and product knowledge</li> <li>Learn how to reduce variation and remove non-value added activities</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Gain leadership skills</li> <li>Focus on the Voice of the Customer</li> <li>Decrease defect rates</li> <li>Reduce cost and cycle times</li> </ul> [mep_register url=""]
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Complimentary Webinar: Exploring Workforce Training Grants

<span id="dnn_ctr1338_Details_ctl00_lblMeetingInfo" class="mx-meetinginfo-span">Interested in learning how to obtain "free” training grant funding for employee development? The Commonwealth of Massachusetts annually awards millions of dollars in grant money to Massachusetts businesses under the Workforce Training Fund Program (WTFP). You too can obtain funding with a complete application that projects future business growth, increased productivity, and employee retention. This 45-minute complimentary webinar will be led by grant coaches Kathleen Worthington of AIM HR Solutions and Lisa Derby Oden of MassMEP. Together, we have helped hundreds of companies access state training funds, resulting in a significant positive impact on their bottom lines.</span> Webinar topics will include: ¥ WFTP Key Priorities ¥ Certificate of Good Standing ¥ Three Grant Program Comparisons <ul> <li>¥ Acceptable & Unacceptable Training Examples</li> </ul> ¥ Grant Questionnaire & Development Timeline ¥ Training Metrics, Best Practices & FAQs [mep_register url=""]
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ISO Internal Auditor 9001:2015 – Small Business Direct Access (SBDAP)

<strong><u>Who Should Attend</u>:</strong> This course is recommended for anyone involved in designing, implementing, maintaining, and improving a quality management system and/or performing internal audits of a quality management system, such as quality officers, managers, and auditors. No prior knowledge of auditing, quality management systems, or ISO 9001:2008 is required prior to attending this course. <strong><u>Course Highlights / Topics Covered</u>:</strong> <ul> <li>The process approach, performance indicators, and risk</li> <li>The "Plan-Do-Check-Act” principle</li> <li>The key elements of a quality management system, management of documents/records, deviations, corrective and preventive actions</li> <li>Management responsibility, management representative and management review</li> <li>Measurement, analysis and continuous improvement on customer satisfaction, quality management effectiveness through internal audits, process performance and conformity to product requirements</li> <li>What are internal audits</li> <li>Why are internal audits conducted</li> <li>What preparatory work should be carried out before an audit</li> <li>What to pay attention to during the audit</li> <li>What is a good audit report</li> <li>What aspects are important in monitoring audit results, corrective and preventive actions</li> </ul> <strong><u>Students will benefit by</u>:</strong> <ul> <li>Learning how to plan, conduct, and report quality audit results</li> <li>Enhancing your understanding of the components of an internal quality audit program</li> <li>Gaining an in-depth understanding of ISO 9001 requirements</li> <li>Getting answers to your toughest audit questions</li> </ul> Capturing a working knowledge of the practices, roles, and responsibilities of an auditor [mep_register url=""]
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Technology Strategies for CMMC Compliance

<div class="form-group horizontal"> <div class="controls"><strong>Perspectives from a mid-sized contractor, a large prime, and Ms. Katie Arrington, the DoD leader who is driving the program</strong></div> </div> <div></div> <div class="form-group horizontal"> <h5></h5> <h5>It is PreVeil's pleasure to host this webinar, which will bring together the perspectives of Katie Arrington (CISO for the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition), J.C. Dodson (Global CISO of BAE Systems), and Rob Egerton (Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Information Officer, Monroe Engineering). Together they will highlight the strategies and technology considerations that DIB suppliers of all sizes are taking into account as they prepare for CMMC.</h5> <div class="controls"> By attending this webinar, DIB participants will gain practical perspectives and tips to inform their company's technology strategy in preparation for CMMC compliance. </div> </div> <div class="form-group horizontal"> <label class="control-label">Time</label> <div class="controls"> Jun 24, 2020 01:00 PM in <a id="switch_timezone" title="Change Time Zone" role="button" aria-labelledby="switch_timezone webinar-timezone-title"></a>Eastern Time (US and Canada) <a href="">REGISTER HERE</a> </div> </div>
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Team Involvement Problem Solving (TIPS) – Online SBDAP

<h5>Team Involvement Problem Solving</h5> <h5>June 22, 24 & 26, 2020</h5> <h5>9:00am - 12:00pm</h5> <strong>Training Description:</strong> Problem Solving for Lean is an eight hour course that teaches a structured, team based, root cause oriented problem solving process that supports the elimination of impediments to process flow. This highly interactive course leads participants through an understanding of problem-solving skills and tools such as creative/divergent thinking, consensus decision making for convergent thinking, data collection and analysis, and tools for planning actions. An eight step problem solving process with associated guidelines for executing each step is presented. Problem solving meeting facilitation is covered. The workshop concludes with a problem solving practice exercise in a team setting. <strong>Training Objective:</strong> This training will provide a cross functional groups of employees with an 8 step process for quickly resolving problems with a consensus driven approach that puts permanent corrective actions in place. Problem solving can be used in the office as well as the production and supporting departments. The trainees will have the opportunity to demonstrate the outcomes of a problem solving process they participated in using the various tools learned in the training. In this training, we expect to address specific measures of success relating to productivity and sales. <strong>Skill Attainment:</strong> Problem Solving Training skills that will be transferred: ¥ Learn how to be part of a team based approach involving those closest to a particular process ¥ Understand and use techniques for generating creative ideas ¥ Capability to facilitate consensus decision making ¥ Use and facilitate a structured eight step problem solving model Utilize interactive skills and facilitation techniques that support effective team based problem solving [mep_register url=""]
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The ABC’s of Returning Safely to Work

<h4>THIS IS A 5 WEEK SERIES</h4> <strong>Webinar #3 – 30 minutes </strong> <strong>New Rules. New Procedures. Which ones should I apply to our business? </strong> Engineering and Administrative Controls to all areas of your operations will be the key to keeping your staff safe and your business open. In this series, we will give you several options to consider in many areas of your business to include but not limited to; <ul> <li>Signage and Communication</li> <li>Record Keeping and Resources</li> <li>Updating Sick Policy and Return to Work Criteria</li> <li>Facility Layout, Flow of Materials and People, Entrance and Exits, Parking, Common Spaces</li> <li>Pre-Qualifying and Safety Policy for Visitor, Vendor, Third Party for Hire Relationships</li> <li>Housekeeping to include trash, sanitation and disinfecting procedures</li> <li>Personal Protective Equipment implementation</li> <li>Training</li> </ul> <strong> </strong> <strong> </strong> [mep_register url=""]
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The ABC’s of Returning Safely to Work

<h4>THIS IS A 5 WEEK SERIES</h4> <strong>Webinar #2 – 30 minutes </strong> <strong>Who will be your COVID-19 Safety and Health Coordinator?</strong> Where should you begin when setting up the COVID-19 Coordinator, Emergency Response Team and/or Safety Committee to Manage COVID-19 Best Practices, Changes in Regulation and Implementation. We will walk you through the areas of consideration. <strong> </strong> [mep_register url=" "]
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Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Lunch & Learn – Virtual

<p class="p1">Manufacturers in the DoD supply chain are required to have adequate information security measures in place to protect Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). Starting in 2020, independent auditors will be assessing manufacturers' security posture, which will determine which contracts they can bid. This session will provide an overview of these requirements and the various options available to ensure compliance with them.</p> [mep_register url=""]   <pre class="p1">This communication was prepared under contract with the State of Vermont, as fiscal agent for the New England Collaborative, with financial support from the Office of Economic Adjustment, Department of Defense. The content reflects the views of the New England Collaborative and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Economic Adjustment, the U.S. Department of Defense, or the participating states.</pre>
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