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Massachusetts Manufacturers At Your Request – Agile and DFM: Module 2

<img class="wp-image-25022 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="540" height="540" /> <a href="">DFMWorkshops (2)</a> The past two years have taught us the endurance and tenacity of Manufacturing in MA. As part of that, the top two subjects Massachusetts manufacturers are looking for more insight with hands on training are, Agile & DFM. MassMEP offers a two part module workshop designed for the Massachusetts Manufacturing Industry. <strong>Module two of the series:</strong> Design for Manufacturability, DFM, the benefits of different manufacturing processes and the effect of cost based on the manufacturing process and tooling consideration. The Value Engineering Methodology evaluates the different manufacturing processes, tooling consideration and labor content to establish overall cost to decide on the most economical overall price. <em><strong>Please note this is One Module that is a two-day training module for each topic. That being written, this workshop requires both days in both modules are to be completed for the full training package. As an attendee you will need to schedule time to attend the training over the four day, eight-hour training time. Example: I will be in training for Agile, May 19th & 26th and in training for DFM, June 9th & 16th.</strong></em> Please note that it is strongly recommended that you participate in both of these modules to receive the full package of the training. [mep_register url=""]
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Massachusetts Manufacturers At Your Request – Agile and DFM

<img class="wp-image-25021 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="496" height="496" /> <a href="">Agile (1135723)</a> The past two years have taught us the endurance and tenacity of Manufacturing in MA. As part of that, the top two subjects Massachusetts manufacturers are looking for more insight with hands on training are, Agile & DFM. MassMEP offers a two part module workshop designed for the Massachusetts Manufacturing Industry. <strong>Module one of the series:</strong> This course delivers insights into the people, process, tools and metric techniques that are widely utilized withAgile operating models. Trainees will learn foundational Scrum knowledge empowering them to execute plans for incorporating Agile practices and techniques into their own organization. This course is a starting point for the trainee to acquire the techniques, skills, and tools that enable them to build Agile disciplines. <em><strong>Please note this is One Module that is a two-day training module for each topic. That being written, this workshop requires both days in both modules are to be completed for the full training package. As an attendee you will need to schedule time to attend the training over the four day, eight-hour training time. Example: I will be in training for Agile, May 19th & 26th and in training for DFM, June 9th & 16th.</strong></em> Please note that it is strongly recommended that you participate in both of these modules to receive the full package of the training. [mep_register url=""]
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Learn More About Manufacturers In The Robotics Hardware and Prototyping Space

<img class="wp-image-23991 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="582" height="291" /> RoboSource is an exhibition highlighting our Associated Network and Partners who are suppliers, manufacturers, service and solution providers in the robotics and hardware prototyping space. This event will introduce you to a network of resources focused on helping grow and scale hardware intensive companies. At 4:00 p.m. we'll hear from Christine Nolan, Director for the Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM), whose mission is to foster the most complete, most connected, and fastest manufacturing ecosystem from innovation through production. She will share information about Massachusetts programs and resources to aid both manufacturers and startups. The event is free and open to the public, but particularly focused on startups and scaling technology companies. <em>*COVID Requirement: 2 dose of COVID vaccine will be required to attend this event - Please bring a photo copy or vaccination card with you.</em> [mep_register url=""]
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The 2nd Annual GBMP Lean Spring Showcase

<p style="text-align: center"><img class="alignnone wp-image-23878" src="" alt="" width="316" height="316" /></p> <strong>Our Community of Lean Hits the (Virtual) Road...Again</strong> Last year's Lean Spring Showcase was such a big success, we've decided to do it again! Spend the day with us on April 1st and see excellent examples of continuous improvement teams in action implementing a variety of Lean best practices. The event will showcase practical applications of countermeasures from the Lean Toolkit at 8 (yes eight!) different companies. But this best practice road trip requires no driving – we’ll take you there. To a variety of different workplaces all within a single day, which you and your whole team can enjoy from the comfort of home or the office. All for just $249 per seat (GBMP members pay only $149; Group Discount available too - send five & the sixth is FREE). Don't miss this chance to have a front-row seat. Yokoten! Spring is coming: April 1st, 2022 – no fooling! Spark up your continuous improvement journey with GBMP's "2nd Annual Spring Showcase: A Lean Community Hits the Road". <strong>Register your team today!</strong> [mep_register url=""]
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“Re-Imagine” Your Business Processes With ERP

When manufacturing companies decide they need a new ERP, many make a mistake by first calling ERP vendors. A better way is to "re-imagine" their business processes the way they want them to work, and translate that into the features they require in an ERP. Only then should they contact vendors, and ask them to demonstrate that their ERP can do what they want it to do. There is a best-practice process for how to do this, as well as how to narrow down the vendor candidates from the ~60 in the market to a few that are appropriate, and then to work with the chosen vendor to implement the system. This webinar will describe that process. [mep_register url=""]
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The Secret to Improving Your Leadership… Really

  <h2 style="margin: 0in;font-family: Calibri;font-size: 11.0pt"><a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-23130"><img class="size-full wp-image-23130 alignleft" src="" alt="" width="400" height="147" /></a></h2> <h2 style="margin: 0in;font-family: Calibri;font-size: 11.0pt"><a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-23131"><img class="size-full wp-image-23131 alignright" src="" alt="" width="600" height="97" /></a></h2>             Why do so few leadership improvement efforts produce the results that leaders and business sponsors want? What is in the way? Through decades of working with manufacturers to help them improve their companies and leadership, we’ve discovered that there are five common obstacles to leadership improvement that must be overcome in order to achieve the desired results. We’ve also developed a process that will help any organization improve their leaders – and not just a little improvement, but the "who are you and what have you done with my old leader” type of improvement that we’re all after in our development efforts. Join Keith Gammill from the Arkansas Manufacturing Extension Partnership as he discusses: 1. The five common obstacles to leadership improvement and a methodology to overcome them 2. The importance of vision and what it does for your leadership 3. How to apply the Toyota Kata improvement methodology to leadership improvement 4. Why so many confuse management for leadership and why this matters 5. The Transformational Leadership Improvement process through the lens of a frontline leader 6. How to improve your workplace resilience The MEP National Network will host this workforce webinar with Quality Digest. For more information, email <a title="mailto:[email protected]" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>. [mep_register url=""]
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Manufacturers are you prepared for the impending Mandates?

[caption id="attachment_22806" align="aligncenter" width="300"]<img class="size-medium wp-image-22806" src="" alt="" width="300" height="300" /> <strong>ETS Preparation Information Session</strong><br />Two-Part Series:<br />January 27th; 3-4 PM<br />February 3rd; 3-4 PM[/caption] If you are prepared or are not, this series is a must see and listen. Join us for a two part series on <strong>Navigating the Pandemic – <em>A Guide to Implementing the ETS into your Business</em></strong> It’s been a long three months as the controversial Emergency Temporary Standard has been tossed back and forth within our judicial system. But, the dates have arrived under OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard for vaccine mandates and testing requirements for employers who have 100 or more employees. <strong>If you still are struggling to get your process in place, if you are unclear as to wear to begin or you need validation that you haven’t missed any of the critical components of the ETS and how to implement it, you should attend this series. </strong> The dates are upon us and we need to move into compliance. As of January 10, 2022 for all requirements of ETS except testing, and by February 9, 2022 ETS requirements for testing need to be in place. Citations for noncompliance with the ETS except testing becomes effective on January 10, 2022 as does citations for noncompliance with testing on February 9, 2022. <strong> </strong><strong>In this series we will cover the following topics from the perspective of a safety professional not human resources. We will use OSHA’s power point on navigating the ETS and show you where to find the recorded webinar. We will provide you with templates, power points, handouts and other materials to assist you in getting your process created, documents up to date and a plan to manage your program. </strong> <strong> </strong><strong>Topics </strong> <ul> <li>Background and Summary of ETS</li> <li>Who is Exempt from ETS</li> <li>Employer Policy on Vaccination</li> <li>Determining Vaccination Status</li> <li>Acceptable Proof of Full or Partial Vaccination</li> <li>Employer Determination of Vaccine Status Prior to ETS</li> <li>Employers Must All for Vaccination Support</li> <li>Testing Requirements for Employees Who are NOT fully vaccinated</li> <li>Cost of Testing</li> <li>Exemption from Testing</li> <li>Record of Testing Results</li> <li>Employee Notification to Employer of COVID-19 Positive Status and Removal</li> <li>Face Coverings</li> <li>Information to Provide to Employees</li> <li>Record Keeping and Reporting COVID-10 Fatalities and Hospitalizations</li> <li>Availably of Records</li> <li>And an overview of resources to include but not limited to; <ul> <li><a href=""></a></li> <li><a href="">Fact Sheet</a></li> <li><a href="">ETS Summary</a></li> <li>Compliance assistance materials <ul> <li>Mandatory Vaccination Policy Template</li> <li>Vaccination or Testing and Face Covering Template</li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="">FAQs</a></li> <li>Enforcement policies and information</li> <li>Materials Incorporated by Reference in 1910.501</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <a href="">Isolation Guidance</a>. COVID-19: Isolation If You Are Sick; Separate yourself from others if you have COVID-19, updated February 18, 2021, IBR approved for ¤ 1910.501(h). This guidance provides steps to take when someone is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and/or tested positive for COVID-19. <ul> <li style="list-style-type: none"> <ul> <li><a href="">Webinar by OSHA</a></li> <li><a href="">29 CR 1910 Subpart U</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> [mep_register url=""]
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Design for Manufacturer Ability (DFMA) Workshop: Save the Date

[caption id="attachment_22897" align="aligncenter" width="300"]<img class="wp-image-22897 size-medium" src="" alt="" width="300" height="300" /> March 23 & 30[/caption] <h4>An impact heard around the "MERT" from 2021 was a need for Design for Manufacturer Ability (DFMA). Now as we are entering MERT 2.0, and EDA Grant our of UMASS Lowell, the time is right to put together a couple of workshops on this topic. Save the date for this initial workshop, March 23 & 30, four-hours each day. Please check back on the website for details and registration options.</h4>
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Industry 4.0 Roadmapping Information Session

[caption id="attachment_23502" align="aligncenter" width="300"]<img class="wp-image-23502 size-medium" src="" alt="" width="300" height="300" /> 3/23/22 11AM-12PM[/caption] In 2021 MassMEP introduced a new Industry 4.0 Consortium based around growth strategy. After a year with the consortium, Mark Roth & Gregg Bauer are returning to provide details on new solutions that were created from the initial consortium. In this one-hour webinar, Marc and Gregg will walk you through an Industry 4.0 Roadmap with multiple options that are now available for your solutions. Attend one, two or all three of these consortiums to maximize your impact with an Industry 4.0 Roadmap: - Business Growth Consortium - Continuous Improvement Consortium - Supply Chain Consortium [mep_register url=""]
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Addressing Workforce Challenges with Robots

[caption id="attachment_22945" align="aligncenter" width="233"]<img class="size-medium wp-image-22945" src="" alt="" width="233" height="300" /> <em>Addressing Workforce Challenges with Robots</em><br /><em>February 10 @11AM</em>[/caption] Looking to address your workforce challenges with robots, then this solution may be for you... If you want to learn more about automation with collaborative robots and how this new technology can help make an immediate impact in your "workforce pipeline" register now. Key takeaways from this information session are the future of robots and what kind of impact can they continue to have on small to medium-sized manufacturers? Join MassMEP and Axis NE for this one-hour event. [mep_register url=] <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-22208 aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="225" height="225" />
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