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ISO Internal Auditor 9001:2015 – Public Training

This is a 4-day training see recurring event <strong><u>Who Should Attend</u>:</strong> This course is recommended for anyone involved in designing, implementing, maintaining, and improving a quality management system and/or performing internal audits of a quality management system, such as quality officers, managers, and auditors. No prior knowledge of auditing, quality management systems, or ISO 9001:2008 is required prior to attending this course. <strong><u>Course Highlights / Topics Covered</u>:</strong> <ul> <li>The process approach, performance indicators and risk</li> <li>The "Plan-Do-Check-Act” principle</li> <li>The key elements of a quality management system, management of documents/records, deviations, corrective and preventive actions</li> <li>Management responsibility, management representative and management review</li> <li>Measurement, analysis and continuous improvement on customer satisfaction, quality management effectiveness through internal audits, process performance and conformity to product requirements</li> <li>What are internal audits</li> <li>Why are internal audits conducted</li> <li>What preparatory work should be carried out before an audit</li> <li>What to pay attention to during the audit</li> <li>What is a good audit report</li> <li>What aspects are important in monitoring audit results, corrective and preventive actions</li> </ul> <strong><u>Students will benefit by</u>:</strong> <ul> <li>Learning how to plan, conduct, and report quality audit results</li> <li>Enhancing your understanding of the components of an internal quality audit program</li> <li>Gaining an in-depth understanding of ISO 9001 requirements</li> <li>Getting answers to your toughest audit questions</li> </ul> Capturing a working knowledge of the practices, roles and responsibilities of an auditor. <strong>Costs:</strong> The course is offered on a per seat bases through the Workforce Training Fund Express Grant Opportunity from the Commonwealth Corporation. The cost of the training is $1000/seat; however, through the Express Grant program, if approved, the WTFP will reimburse you for up to 50% of the actual cost of training (for companies 100 employees or more), OR, full reimbursement of the cost of training for companies with 100 employees or less. [mep_register url=""]
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Lever’s 2021 Innovation Summit

<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-21369" src="" alt="" width="300" height="106" /> This is Lever’s second, biennial Innovation Summit. Our first summit, held in Williamstown, Massachusetts in 2019, featured the conclusion of Lever’s 2019 Berkshire Intrapreneur Challenge, presentations from regional innovators, a panel discussion featuring regional innovation centers, and keynote talks by Carlo Zaffanella from General Dynamics, and by Steve Case, founder of America Online. More than 250 people participated in the two-day program. <strong>Themes</strong> <ul> <li>Innovating Workforce Development</li> <li>Innovating from Within: the Intrapreneur</li> <li>Innovating for Inclusion</li> </ul> <strong>To participate:</strong> The entire program will be hybrid format: folks may participate in person, via Zoom, or both. [mep_register url=""]
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Lever’s 2021 Innovation Summit

<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-21369" src="" alt="" width="300" height="106" /> <strong>Themes</strong> <ul> <li>Innovating Workforce Development</li> <li>Innovating from Within: the Intrapreneur</li> <li>Innovating for Inclusion</li> </ul> <strong>To participate:</strong> The entire program will be hybrid format: folks may participate in person, via Zoom, or both. [mep_register url=""]
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The 17th Annual Northeast Lean Conference

GBMP has selected its theme for 2021 Northeast LEAN Conference, "<strong>Getting Back to the Future</strong>.” Back to focusing on people, back to strategic thinking and back to an innovative workplace inspired by lessons learned from the coronavirus. [mep_register url=""]
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2021 Manufacturing Caucus Awards

This will be the 6th annual Manufacturing awards ceremony hosted by the legislatures manufacturing caucus. Representative Jeffrey N. Roy and Senator Eric Lesser will be presenting the awards September 28th. [mep_register url=""]
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NERDIC Industry 4.0 Readiness Ecosystem: Technology Demonstration on Generative Design and Additive Manufacturing

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-20904" src="" alt="" width="225" height="225" /> Join us for a virtual presentation on the use and results of generative design and resulting demonstration parts printed by CCAT. Generative design mimics nature’s evolutionary approach to design. Parameters such as materials, manufacturing methods, strength and thermal requirements are defined, and the AI driven generative design process fully optimizes the design to best fulfill functional requirements. 3D Printing (or Additive Manufacturing) is a powerful tool available to manufacturers. Some companies are adopting the technology to produce end-use parts, but even if your customers are not sending you RFQ’s for additively made parts, most companies can adopt additive to create tools, fixtures, prototypes and other aids to assist traditional manufacturing processes. This session will be recorded and made available on-demand. <strong>Learning Objectives</strong> By the conclusion of the presentation, attendees will: ¥ Learn the basics of generative design workflow ¥ Learn what parameters can be optimized ¥ Understand how generative design can best leverage additive manufacturing <strong>Presenters</strong> Nasir Mannan, M. Eng., Principal Engineer, Advanced Design, Automation & Metrology Lab, CCAT Kristi Oki, Mechanical Engineer, Advanced Design, Automation & Metrology Lab, CCAT Jeff Crandall, Additive Technologies Manager, CCAT [mep_register url=""]
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NERDIC Industry 4.0 Readiness Ecosystem: Technology Demonstration on 3D Printed Parts Manufactured with the Desktop Metal Studio System for Defense Supply

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-20904" src="" alt="" width="225" height="225" /> Join us for a virtual presentation on the use and results of generative design and resulting demonstration parts printed by Berkshire Innovation Center/BSS Additive. Learn about what to expect when installing a Desktop Metal System; Overview of install & operations experience, facility, safety & training requirements, vendor support; How the BIC, CCAT and UMaine benchmarked these systems; How to access benchmark files and data; Description of DM case studies underway at BIC; How to access BIC’s facility for training, application development and project collaboration. This session will be recorded and made available on-demand. <strong>Learning Objectives</strong> Learn how Desktop Metal Studio System can be used in defense manufacturing: ¥ How to prepare your facility, permitting requirements, facility certification options ¥ OSHA training and safety requirements, compared with LPBF, DMLS, LENS and Binder Jetting ¥ Advantages / disadvantages of printing with bound metal powder compared with LPBF ¥ Outline applications for DM metal prototypes, fixtures, molds and end use parts ¥ Review of the design process for benchmarking, developed with CCAT and UMaine – Can the NIST AM Test Artifact be used in FDM metal printing or is a new standard needed? ¥ Comparison of benchmark results with other 3D printing processes available at CCAT, BIC and UMaine (including LPBF, Binder Jetting, large format polymer FDM and DMLS) ¥ Can Fused Deposition Modeled Sintered metal parts meet Mil-spec end use requirements? <strong>Presenters</strong> Steven Longpre, CEO BSS Additive, Operations Manager Berkshire Innovation Center Jean Mozolic, Founder, The Mozolic Group Mark Rowan, Principal, Roundabout Consulting [mep_register url=""]
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Ask the Grant Experts: How Can We Get a Grant for our Training Needs? A Q&A Session with AIM HR Solutions & MassMEP

Each year, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts awards millions of dollars in grant money to Massachusetts businesses through the Workforce Training Fund (WTFP). Many companies are not familiar with the General Grant Program funded by the Workforce Training Fund Program. It’s time for your organization to take advantage of this funding and achieve business growth, increased productivity, and employee retention. Obtaining one of these grants can be a lengthy process that can be overwhelming and time-consuming. We are here to help you realize that getting one of these grants is doable and that the benefits of the General Grant Program can far exceed the application effort. Join AIM HR Solutions & MassMEP grant experts as they answer the most asked questions surrounding the General Grant Program, such as: Do I qualify, and how do I get started? -What are some best practices and tips for getting my application approved? -How long does the process take? -How do I build a training plan that meets my organization’s needs? -What other grant program options should I consider? Participants will have the ability to submit their questions in advance. [mep_register url="{535C5D62-FCE3-EB11-8117-000D3A0DE1A1}"]
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Cybersecurity & CMMC: Weapons against Cyberattacks

In the current climate cyberattacks are at an all time high and manufacturers need ways to help keep them ahead of these risks. Clients are also putting cybersecurity as one of their top audit items in their B to B environment. Join MassMEP as Synagex and Cybersaint will present ways to weaponize manufacturers against these cyberattacks, stay in compliance as a DoD supplier, and educate themselves and their teams with a minimal to no-cash flow obligation. [mep_register url=""]
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Technology Demonstration on Using AI Technology to Crosstrain & Upskill…

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-20904" src="" alt="" width="225" height="225" /> This technology demonstration is part of the NERDIC Industry 4.0 Readiness Ecosystem program for the New England defense supply chain. For more information, please visit Join this virtual presentation on the results of the demonstration pilot conducted by Stanley X/DeepHow on the use and implementation of DeepHow AI technology in manufacturing. Stanley X, in partnership with DeepHow, will share their AI-powered solution to capture, train and transfer knowledge among skilled workers. This system allows documentation of standard work of high performing, subject matter expert employees, converting into Smart how-to videos for staff to learn from and reference, using standard enterprise tools and no special equipment or skills. [mep_register url=""]
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